
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Our brothers in arms from the UK continue their fight for proper recognition from British goverment.

The following is a update from Tony Morland at

Dear Sean,

We've added a couple of fantastic letters, particularly from Andre Rosindell MP a very patriotic individual. Also a couple of information updates, please leave comments.

We also have 3 new pages looking at General Service, Cyprus Veteran issues and the Cold War era.

A gentle reminder to any of our supporters who haven’t written to the Chief of Defence Staff, could I urge you to do so, he needs to see volume of support in his in tray.

Have a look and as ever forward the website link to others who may be interested. Feel free to send in any news, updates etc.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

All the best,


Romford MP Pledges Clear Support For NDM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thank you for your recent email regarding your proposals for a National Defence Medal for all Her Majesty’s Forces who serve a reasonable engagement, which I read with interest.

I am a fervent supporter of our Armed Forces and their families. The Military Covenant states that Soldiers, by putting the needs of the army and the Nation before their own, forego some of the rights they would otherwise expect to receive. In return they expect fair treatment and sustenance, provided for accordingly by the Nation. I believe that to award a medal to those who put their lives at risk, would be a message of support from the public to the work of our military.

It is shameful that this practice already exists in Australia, a nation which whom we share such close ties, yet our Government has not saw fit to follow their example. I have already discussed this matter with a number of my colleagues and my support towards the Armed Forces is known by a great number of people. I will certainly seek to lobby the Government on this issue.

With every good wish,

Yours Sincerely,

Andrew Rosindell MP

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