
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

He Deserves A Medal?

On August 26Th in Philadelphia, PA Former President George H.W. Bush will present The Liberty Medal from

The National Constitution Center of the United State to none other than Mikhail Gorbachev.

Yes, that is right, the very same man who ruled Russia and the Communist Party. Leader of the entire

Communist Block of nations. The man who was a sworn enemy of our country. He who ordered troops to

Afghanistan to continue the push there to spread Communism. He had troops along the German

border facing a much smaller US and allied forces.

He is being hailed as helping to end the Cold War. Well, the Russian economy was stagnate, or worse

so much money was spent on the military there was not much left to run the country. People were hungry

businesses were going broke. His idea to end alcoholism was to raise prices so high and put large taxes

that many wineries went out of business.. Did it stop alcoholism? NO. Did it cost the country a lot of money?

Yes it did.

Hungry people are also people with a lot of anger. There were rumblings and grumblings throughout the USSR.

Yes Mr. Gorbachev instituted Glastnot and Perestroika to help the USSR economy, and try to start a little freedom,

not because he actually wanted it, he could see the writing on the wall

President Ronald Reagan said "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall." Bruce Springsteen held a concert in West

Berlin and mentioned something about bringing down walls.

Eventually the Block nations began to declare their independence, and as the feeling grew among the

common people, following a rally the Wall did come down.

He has several times since the Soviet Union fell apart criticized the United States, even saying he "would return

in 2011 to lead a revolution, if the levees were not repaired properly."

Now he is a hero, and our military and veterans are once again forgotten. We were there to stop Communism,

which did indeed happen. Do the veterans get any recognition or honor, does anyone remember? No No No.

Where is the Justice?

Jerald Terwilliger

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