
Friday, September 12, 2008

Senators John McCain and Barack Obama

As IAVA Member Veterans attend both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, you can help by making sure that Senator Obama and Senator McCain pledge to take care of our nation's newest generations of veterans if they are elected.

Sign the open letter below and tell your friends. Let's make sure our next President makes every day Veterans' Day.

Dear Senator Obama and Senator McCain,

I stand with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America in calling for you to keep veterans' issues at the top of your agenda if you are elected President.

Here are the top 10 issues that the next administration should address.

1. Ensure Thorough, Professional, and Confidential Mental Health Screening
2. Advance-Fund VA Health Care
3. Overhaul the Military and Veterans’ Disability System
4. Cut the Claims Backlog in Half
5. End the Passive VA System
6. Combat the Shortage of Mental Health Professionals
7. Create Tax Incentives for Patriotic Employers
8. Fight Homelessness among Veterans
9. Give Families Access to Mental Health Support
10. Repeal the Waiver of High-Deployment Pay

Honoring our veterans is not a partisan issue. Our troops served our country bravely and deserve the best once they return home.

Thank you for your commitment to our veterans.

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