
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Let Ohio Troops and Vets Vote!


IT IS UNTHINKABLE that anyone from any political party would try to block our servicemembers and wounded veterans from voting, but a new lawsuit in Ohio is threatening to do just that.

Ohioans are allowed by law to register to vote and cast an absentee ballot on the same day as long as they do so before the Oct. 6th registration deadline, but a lawsuit filed in the Ohio State Supreme Court is trying to upend that law. If the groups bringing the suit have their way, it would potentially void thousands of ballots already cast by hospitalized veterans and deployed servicemembers, and make voting extraordinarily difficult for those who haven't yet.

This isn't about protecting one side or the other's chances in the election - it's about protecting the rights of those who fight to protect ours. We have asked limitless courage, honor and sacrifice from our troops, and they have given us all of it. We owe it to them to not make them jump through hoops to practice their basic rights as citizens.

Join Veterans for America in stopping this threat to our democracy. Please sign our petition asking the court to honor our troops and veterans, and throw out this ridiculous lawsuit.


Bobby Muller, Veterans for America


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