
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New VFF Ad

Vets for Freedom Members:

I wanted you to alert you all to our new television advertisement--"Petraeus vs. Obama." The ad, which started airing last night on national cable, will run extensively for the next week throughout the entire country on Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. The ad provides a direct contrast between what our commanders on the ground are saying and what Senator Obama says about the surge.

CLICK HERE to see the ad

The intent of the ad is to urge Senator Obama to recognize the success of the surge and applaud the troops through action and not just talk, by supporting Senate Resolution 636. The resolution, which you can read here, may come up for a vote today, and Vets for Freedom will be monitoring the vote closely. We have held dozens of meetings with Senators and Senate staff over the past week about 636, urging consideration of the resolution.

I want to thank all of the Vets for Freedom members who have made thousands of phone calls to Senate offices this week, quickly doubling the number of co-sponsors -- We now have 33 Senators on board! Many more Senators have indicated that they will vote for the legislation. But the questions remains--will Senator Obama and other surge--deniers vote for it?

We will keep you posted, and appreciate all you do to support our our warriors overseas.

Move out and Draw fire,

Pete Hegseth
Chairman, Vets for Freedom

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