
Friday, October 24, 2008

Over the last 18 months or so we here at American Cold War veterans have had one mission. Find out where candidates stand on S.1097 the Cold War Medal Act. For the most part we have been answered by the candidates though it has been difficult getting a straight answer in some cases.

Just in the last week Barack Obama and Sarah Palin both pledged their support.

Obama's letter to ACWV Illinois resident Frank Almquist Quote"I agree that the Cold War Victory medal would be an appropriate honor. The Cold War was a period that required both skilled diplomacy and military readiness. For veterans such as yourself, who had to be prepared to fight a war that most people agreed would be catastrophic, there certainly should be some recognition of service and willingness to defend and go to battle for the United States."

Sarah Palin was recently on the campaign trail in New Hampshire and she was posed the question do support a medal for Cold War service? She responded "I would support an American Cold War Veterans Medal 100%".

Through the Primaries and now the general election not a single candidate has given a negative response and nearly all have responded in some form or another except one.

We have faxed, written and called Senator McCain on numerous occasions and his silence has been deafening.

With 11 days left until the election 22 million Cold War veterans would like to know where you stand Senator.

Many of us share your values and admire your experience and stance on national defense especially your willingness to win the War on Terror and stop a new Cold War by facing down Russian aggression with strength. Given all of this your reluctance to publicly speak on a bill that would honor veterans of your own era is puzzling.

This maybe your last chance to state your position on S.1097 time is running out. Do not take us for granted. This might not be a deal breaker when we go to the polls but then again for some of us it just might be.

Sean Eagan Chairman
American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone: 716 720-4000

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