
Sunday, December 07, 2008

Historic Lawsuit filed on behalf of ALL veterans


Millions of American men and women have answered the call to duty in defense of our great Nation. Unfortunately, all too often these brave men and women separate from the service with varying disabling conditions. They are forced to engage in an antiquated benefits delivery system which can take years to award the benefits these individuals have rightfully earned protecting us all. Please don’t allow them to suffer any additional hardship. With your help we can effect change for the quality of life of our disabled veterans.

Please post the following link to all of your contacts, message boards, forums and websites ASAP. The link takes you to the website regarding the Historic Lawsuit filed on behalf of ALL veterans. Encourage your contacts and members to be pro-active in contacting their representatives and supporting this action.

The Department of Veterans affairs contends that the system is not broken and has asked that the case be dismissed outright. If you believe that making a disabled veteran wait years for benefits is acceptable then do nothing. However, if you truly care about veterans you will act immediately to right this wrong. Together we can make a difference in the lives of our disabled veterans and their families.

I thank you in advance for your support and assistance in this matter. I thank you for your continued support and service to our veterans. Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate in contacting me directly. Should you wish to participate in our congressional outreach the week of December 15th in Washington please contact me.


Donald D. Overton, Jr.
Executive Director
Veterans of Modern Warfare, Inc.
#33107 PO Box 96503
Washington, DC 20090-6503
301-585-4000 x 162

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