
Saturday, February 28, 2009


Our scheduled guests on POW/MIA Radio for Sunday, March 1, 2009 are:

2:00-4:00pm Mountain time: Mr Sean Eagan, Chairman and Dr. Frank Tims, Ph.D., Historian and Legislative Director for the American Cold War Veterans. The American Cold War Veterans is incorporated in the State of Florida and founded on August 18, 2007 at The Truman Library in Independence, MO. They are dedicated to all veterans, with special dedication to those who served during the Cold War era, September, 1945 to December, 1991. From their mission statement: "Our Mission is to bring respect, recognition and awareness to Veterans of the Cold War era no matter what branch of service, whether active duty, reserve or National Guard. We are committed to honoring the sacrifices made by millions of American men and women during the Cold War, especially those who paid the ultimate price of life or liberty. We intend to see that the Cold War's history is completely and accurately understood by people everywhere. We are united in these goals and speak with one voice." Besides awareness for our Cold War Veterans and their sacrifices, they have been actively working to see that a Cold War Medal be issued to those who served during that period. Sean and Frank will discuss their group and their latest activities.
Please visit their website, for more information.

4:00pm Mtn - News and Views: An hour of the latest POW/MIA and veterans issues.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Rep. Peter King (R-NY) has re-introduced H. Res. 111. The resolution currently has 72 co-sponsors. We need to act again and contact our state representatives to sign on as co-sponsors. Please visit for additional information on how we can make this legislation successful.

Remember Jack and Wilma Laeufer at Lima Area MIA-POW have many items available for purchase in support of our veterans and missing Americans. Please contact them at 419-641-2340.

Thanks to our sponsors for this sponsorship period:

Korean War Ex-POWs Association
Chained Eagles of Ohio

Listen to POW/MIA Radio every Sunday on The American Freedom Network, . We also broadcast with 10,000 watts.on KHNC-AM, 1360khz, Johnstown, Colorado. If you are unable to get the show on the website, please re-enter the URL in your address line and try again.


Rod Utech

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!" Patrick Henry, 1775

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