
Thursday, July 09, 2009

Obama Please Acknowledge US Won Cold War

Obama Can't Even Acknowledge US Won Cold War

By Bob Ellis on July 8th, 2009

Apparently President Obama loathes our country so much, he can't even
admit that we won the Cold War against the Soviets. In an interview
with Fox News' Major Garret, President Obama couldn't bring himself to
acknowledge that it was the strength and resolve of the United States
that eventually led to the collapse of that evil empire.

Garret: In your speech this morning you said, "The Cold War reached
its conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many
years." Mr. President, are the Russian sensitivities so fragile that
you can't say that the Cold War was won? The West won it? And it was
led by a combination of Democratic and Republican American Presidents?

Obama: There are a whole bunch of people throughout Eastern Europe
with enormous courage and I think that it is very important in this
part of the world to acknowledge the degree to which people struggled
for their own freedom. We don't have to diminish other people in order
to recognize our role in that history. We also don't have to diminish
our role in defeating Soviet communism in order to acknowledge the
contributions to that effort from people in other countries. Efforts
against this evil system were being made in several countries.  Pope
John Paul was doing what he could to fight the Soviets, as was Lech
Walesa in Poland.  But without the strength of the American economy
and military might, there was nothing to give real teeth or momentum
to their efforts. It's hard to truly grasp this anti-American attitude
of our president. We have an American president who is so ashamed of
his own country, he can't even acknowledge one of our greatest
achievements, in defeating one of the worst evils in human history.

As Sean Hannity pointed out in the video below, Lech Walesa, the
leader of the Polish Solidarity movement said, We in Poland took him
[Ronald Reagan] so personally. Why? Because we owe him our liberty.
This can't be said often enough by people who lived under oppression
for half a century.

I was in Europe when the Berlin Wall fell, living in England. I
celebrated New Years Eve 1989-1990 mostly with British friends, and as
we partied in the streets, I had an uncountable number of British
people (most of whom had never met me) come up, ask me if I was an
American, and when I confirmed that I was, they wanted to shake my
hand or hug me (some of the women kissed me), thanking me profusely as
an American for being in Europe, for helping bring down the wall, for
bringing freedom to places like Romania and other countries that had
suffered under the Soviet boot for so long. These Europeans apparently
had absolutely no doubt that the American presence in Europe and
American resolve had led to the crumbling of the Soviet Union.

Yet our own American president–ever eager to bow to other nations and
apologize profusely and continually for America–is unable to
acknowledge even the greatest of our achievements.

Sent from my mobile device

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