
Thursday, October 08, 2009

OTTAWA - Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP Carol Hughes introduced a private member’s bill today that would see the men and women who kept Canada protected and prepared during the Cold War (1946-1989) receive a medal to recognize their service.

“This Act represents the hard work of one of my constituents, retired Captain Ulrich Krings of Elliot Lake, who presented me with his proposal to have a medal struck to honour the men and women who served in the defence of Canada during the Cold War,” said Hughes.

The medal is designed to honour the people who defended Canada in both the regular and reserve forces, police officers, emergency measures organizations, as well as civil organizations such as the St. John’s Ambulance that were concerned with the protection of Canada from within Canada.

“The medal would recognize the support these men and women gave Canadians and the hours spent training and practicing for an attack on Canadian soil that, thankfully, never happened,” explained Hughes. “Their service to our country represents a period of time when we became aware of just how fragile peace can be.”




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