
Friday, November 20, 2009

Letter to Obama

President Barack Obama

November 20, 2009

Mr. President, I am contacting you to ask for your support of H.R. 4051 (Authorization of a Cold War Medal). As a Retired Senior Chief Petty Officer who voted and support you and has proudly served our country for over 22 years I believe all of us who served during that most trying time should be recognized for our service in a tangible way. I believe it's just a small token that would go a long way to say thank you to all the Veterans who were either drafted of volunteered, but did their duty. All of us hear how "politicians support the Troops", but when it come to Veterans we are the first to be forgotten. Thank you for your time. AMCS(AW/SW) John M. Branning, USN(Ret.)

Depew , NY

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