
Saturday, December 19, 2009

‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

A poem by Lance Corporal James M. Schmidt,   'Twas The Night Before Christmas,
He Lived All Alone,
In A One Bedroom House Made Of Plaster And Stone.

I Had Come Down The ChimneyWith Presents To Give,And To See Just WhoIn

This Home Did Live. I Looked All About,A Strange Sight I Did See,No
Tinsel, No Presents,Not Even A Tree.

No Stocking By Mantle,Just Boots Filled With Sand,On The Wall Hung
PicturesOf Far Distant Lands.With Medals And Badges,Awards Of All

A Sober Thought Came Through My Mind.For This House Was Different,

It Was Dark And Dreary,I Found The Home Of A Soldier,Once I Could See
Clearly.The Soldier Lay Sleeping,Silent, Alone,Curled Up On The Floor

In This One Bedroom Home.The Face Was So Gentle,The Room In Such
Disorder,Not How I Pictured A United States Soldier.

Was This The Hero Of Whom I'd Just Read?Curled Up On A Poncho,The
Floor For A Bed?I Realized The Families That I Saw This Night,Owed
Their Lives To These SoldiersWho Were Willing To Fight.

Soon Round The World,The Children Would Play, And Grownups Would Celebrate

A Bright Christmas Day.They All Enjoyed Freedom Each Month Of The Year,

Because Of The Soldiers, Like The One Lying Here.

I Couldn't Help Wonder How Many Lay Alone, On A Cold Christmas EveIn A
Land Far From Home.The Very Thought Brought A Tear To My Eye,

I Dropped To My Knees And Started To Cry.The Soldier AwakenedAnd I
Heard A Rough Voice,"Santa Don't Cry,This Life Is My Choice;I Fight
For Freedom, I Don't Ask For More,My Life Is My God,My Country, My
Corps."The Soldier Rolled Over And Drifted To Sleep,

I Couldn't Control It, I Continued To Weep. I Kept Watch For Hours,So
Silent And StillAnd We Both ShiveredFrom The Cold Night's Chill.

I Didn't Want To Leave On That Cold, Dark, Night,This Guardian Of
Honor So Willing To Fight.Then The Soldier Rolled Over,With A Voice
Soft And Pure, Whispered, "Carry On Santa,It's Christmas Day, All Is
Secure."One Look At My Watch, And I Knew He Was Right."Merry Christmas
My Friend, And To All A Good Night."

Written by Lance Corporal James M. Schmidt in 1986. Printed in
Leatherneck (The Magazines for the Marines) in December 1991.

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