
Friday, January 22, 2010

Tribute to War Dogs "Vietnam Picture Tour" Poem by Gary Jacobson

Please send this to all Nam vets, dog handlers,
and others who need to know!

War Dogs

by Gary Jacobson © 2010

War dogs are mighty dogs

To Vietcong pariah dogs

Sent to hunt men in rotting jungle overgrown

To ferret out unseen killers by hatred sown

These powerful combat beasts canine

With ultra-keen sensitivity sublime.

War dogs ply the dark tangled wood of Vietnam

Weapons of superior detection for their man

Knifing through fevered jungle serpentine

Rooting out shadowed enemies clandestine

Bearing enhanced senses with stealth and cunning

Bearing innate acuity of smell, sight and hearing.

Riding the whirlwind and directing the storm

War dogs live to the mission of their master sworn

To expose vile enemy snipers lying in ambush

Hiding in wait-a-minute brittlebush

Plumbing inky dark for dusky intruders

Sneaky 'n slithery as two-step adders.

War dogs seek in wars motley-hot combat fray

Angry men avowed to ruin the whole day

Ever alert to scent bearing avarice

Their duty to hound Viet Cong assiduously

To harry persistently

To probe the Vietcong den consistently.

War dogs patrol with uncanny obedience

Bearing innate primal patience

To root out the nefarious enemy in tunnels

Responding to voice and body signals

To detect deadly wicked mines and booby traps

That vaporize men's souls in war-game craps.

War dog's stand vigilant guard…

Living only to serve well and diehard

Time and time again save GI asses

From sure death lurking in tall elephant grasses

Searching for hidden weapon and enemy masses

Sniffing out food and medical caches.

War dog's persistently dogged

Possess a willingness to serve undaunted

To their handlers dedicated

Their attitude loyalty personified

Willingly go into dark of jungle not easily penetrated

Brave knotted entanglements not easily crossed.

War Dog's Semper Fi…

Will never say die ~ Never stop to ask why.

Ever enduring, to trainer's with love endearing

Persistently persevering. Tenaciously unflinching.

Man's best friend…

Who will for him the very darkness rend.

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Just A Walk In The Park

A novel packed with beaucoup memoirs, blended with facts happening to myself, or soldiers just over the hill ... with 150 color pictures of Nam combat. These were times that defined men's souls; times that set the foundation and tenor for all life to come, eternally affecting our FOREVER, as well as generations of lives surrounding our life. Vietnam was our delineating moment, after which, in Shakespeare's words, "Life is but a walking shadow."

This book will thrill you with heart-stopping action, fear and intense danger ... death floating in sweet-and-sour air ... but then,

you don't want to live forever, do you?

My Thousand Yard Stare

Beaucoup poetry with over two hundred full color pictures and graphics in this book of my comrades-in-arms, the 1st Air Cavalry, with other unit battle pictures, 101st Aireborne, The Marines, the Wolfhounds, The Americal, The Big Red One, The 9th, the Mekong Delta Riverine ... this book tells the story in poem of the emotions and feelings of a grunt at war, in words that make us remember. If you weren't in fact there, this poetry will give emotions and feelings of a combat infantryman to make you feel like you were right there walking beside me in combat. It will give an appreciation of the great and terrible sacrifices made by brothers and sisters in war. These are sweet and sour poems of combat against evil found in war, both on the battle front and plaguing my mind. They tell of the devastation, the heartache, the fears, the struggles with the supernal against the devil, rife with wrong and right besetting from all sides, the immorality of the inhumanity of men towards men, the turning upside down of values. They deal with hatreds and the killing, death all around, the dying deeply profound... the wounding of the spirit so telling as to leave an eternal hole in the soul deficit.

Buy "Just A Walk In The Park," or "My Thousand Yard Stare." instantly at, with the security and ease of PayPal or your choice of credit cards.

Or buy directly: Gary Jacobson,

6325 south Old Hwy 191,

Malad, Idaho 83252

Keep fighting the good fight, brothers,

Gary Jacobson

"Vietnam Picture Tour," A walk in "the park" grunts called Vietnam, with the 1st Air Cavalry on combat patrol. Experience chilling reality to leave the sweet and sour taste of "the Nam" pungent on your tongue, the smell of "the Nam" acrid in your nostrils, and textures of "the Nam" imbedded in you as though you were walking beside me in combat.

My poignant poems directory, pictures and artwork to show the essence and feeling of war on young "boys next door,"

"Realm Of Poetry," Poems of love and romance, spirituality and meditation, Golden Oldies, comedy, Quests of the regal knight Richard Lionheart to the crusades and seeking the Holy Grail, dueling dragons, frolicking fairies, and comedy ... and also links to my site of riding that bestial ogre called war ...

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