
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

IAVA Legislative Update From "Storm The Hill"

Dear Sean,

65 meetings with Congress. 55 inches of snow. 28 veterans. One huge success.

Last week, we saw the biggest recorded snowfall in Washington, D.C.'s history. Some Senators and Representatives stayed home. But IAVA's vets were out in full force.

Take a minute to watch a quick recap of this amazing week.

These veterans traveled from all across the country through snow, sleet, and blistering winds to tell Congress about the biggest issues facing their generation.

They sat with over 60 Congressional offices, and many Representatives agreed - on the spot - to support our #1 legislative priority for 2010: disability claims reform.

And Montana Senator Max Baucus announced immediately after meeting with IAVA that he is introducing a veterans' jobs bill - directly from our Legislative Agenda.

There's still work ahead before disability reform becomes a reality. But in the face of the "Snowpocalypse", we adapted, improvised and overcame. And Storm the Hill 2010 will give this fight the momentum it needs.

Thank you for your continued support.



Paul Rieckhoff
Executive Director and Founder
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)

P.S. You can still support Storm the Hill 2010 by buying one of the official, limited-edition t-shirts.

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