
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Message From Iraq Vets for Congress

Iraq Vets for Congress logo
February 2010

Dear Friend:


Thanks to your support, Iraq Vets For Congress has been able to recruit and support nearly three dozen rock-solid conservative Veteran candidates running for U.S. Congress from around the country this fall. 

But now because of a Special Election in Pennsylvania in May, we have an early opportunity to elect to Congress one of those candidates, William Russell, a retired Army Lt. Col and proud Iraq Vet. 

To take advantage of that opportunity, we urgently need your financial support now.

In 2008, Russell ran a gritty campaign and nearly knocked off one of the most entrenched Democrat incumbents.  He's been campaigning tirelessly ever since to win the seat in the 2010 campaign. 


Russell is an outstanding candidate with great name recognition in the district and thoughtful positions on economic and national security issues. 


In short, William Russell is the next Scott Brown and his campaign in the upcoming Special Election is our next opportunity to take a House Seat and send another clear message rejecting the Obama Administration and its far left policies.


But the liberals will pull out all the stops to end our conservative momentum.  We can fight back by supporting Col. Russell and his fundraising efforts now.  Please make a contribution to Iraq Vets for Congress today and we can show them how unstoppable we are.


Whatever amount you can send - be it $10, $ 25, $50, $100, $500 or $5,000 - please know that it will be spent to help elect a Veteran who has put his life on the line to protect you and your family.


May God bless you, your family, and our great country.


D. Patrick Mahoney

Marine Corps Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom

President, Iraq Veterans For Congress PAC


P.S. After you make a contribution to Iraq Veterans For Congress PAC, please email the link to our website to at least three of your friends to help us grow the organization and accomplish our mission of Recruiting, Funding and Electing to Congress conservative Republican Veterans.

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