
Monday, April 12, 2010

Nominate a Veteran to the U.S. Supreme Court

Bert Mizusawa, candidate for Congress in Virginia's 2nd Congressional District, calls on President Obama to nominate a veteran to replace retiring Justice Stevens, the only active duty veteran serving on the Supreme Court.

Mizusawa, a highly-decorated combat veteran and attorney who provides legal counsel on national security matters, recognizes that the impending retirement of 89-year old Justice Stevens will result in a nine-member United States Supreme Court with no military veterans.

"It is almost unconscionable to have a Supreme Court with no military veterans. While the justices of the Supreme Court provide the brains to interpret our Constitution, the military has provided its brawn and blood to support and defend the Constitution. It is a moral imperative that at least one of the nine justices has military experience. I call on the President to seek out a qualified veteran to replace Justice Stevens. Only a military veteran will truly understand the unique circumstances and sacrifices that the men, women and families of our armed forces have made in providing for the common defense of our nation."

Bert Mizusawa is an accomplished soldier, businessman, and attorney who has earned the rank of Brigadier General in the US Army Reserve. He continues to advise key government and business leaders on economics and national security, and holds a Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School. Mizusawa is seeking the Republican Party's nomination for Congress in Virginia's Second Congressional District. The Republican Primary is June 8, 2010.

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