
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

VFW Urges Passage of Veterans Jobs Bill

Corporate America the key to stemming rampant unemployment rate

Washington D.C., (April 20, 2010) — The Veterans of Foreign Wars of
the U.S. is backing legislation introduced today by Sen. Patty Murray
(D-Wash.) to create a veterans jobs bill to help ease the rampant
unemployment rate among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.

"The nation's economy is showing signs of improvement, but the
unemployment rate of current war veterans is accelerating in the wrong
direction," said VFW National Commander Thomas J. Tradewell Sr., of
Sussex, Wis. "We believe Senator Murray's bill will help address many
of those concerns and impediments to employment."

According to the Department of Labor, there are more than 1.1 million
unemployed veterans, a quarter-million of whom are Iraq and
Afghanistan veterans, with unemployment rates of 30.2 percent for age
24 and younger, and 17.9 percent for ages 25 to 34. The national
unemployment average is just below 10 percent.

In testimony last week before the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee
on Economic Opportunity, the VFW said Washington cannot solve the
veterans' unemployment epidemic alone, but Washington can — and must —
do a better job of selling veterans to corporate America.

"The federal government must become a veteran's greatest cheerleader,"
said Tradewell, who is very supportive of Murray's bill to expand
counseling, training and placement services, as well as
entrepreneurial opportunities, because "veterans hire veterans."

The VFW also wants federal incentives increased to entice more
businesses to hire more veterans.

One such incentive, for example, would be to double the $2,400 and
$4,800 Work Opportunity Tax Credit for businesses who hire veterans
and disabled veterans, respectively, as well as eliminate the
program's five-year window that currently excludes 765,000 unemployed
veterans from being eligible.

In addition, the VFW national commander wants America's veterans who
are in the corporate world to use their veteran status as a bully
pulpit to push "Veterans First" in boardrooms across the country.

"A young platoon sergeant or lieutenant is in a foreign country right
now helping a small community get back on its feet — and they are
doing it in a different language and armed primarily with the common
sense in their head and the people skills they learned in the
military. Just imagine what that can-do attitude could bring to
America's business community if just given a chance," said Tradewell.

"Our greatest generation returned home from World War II to become the
scientists, scholars and captains of industry who led our nation's
tremendous era of growth in the second half of the 20th century. That
is exactly what America's newest greatest generation is capable of,
and it all begins with one job and one employer who believes that
those we entrust to protect our nation can also be trusted to run
their companies."


The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. is a nonprofit veterans'
service organization composed of combat veterans and those who
currently serve on active duty or in the Guard and Reserves. Founded
in 1899 and chartered by Congress in 1936, the VFW is the nation's
largest organization of war veterans and is one of its oldest
veterans' organizations. With 2.1 million members located in 7,900
VFW Posts worldwide, the VFW and its Auxiliaries are dedicated to
"honor the dead by helping the living" through veterans service,
legislative initiatives, youth scholarships, Buddy Poppy and national
military service programs. The VFW and its Auxiliaries contribute
more than 13 million hours annually in community service to the
nation. For more information or to join, visit the organization's Web
site at

Contact: Joe Davis, Director of Public Affairs, VFW Washington Office,
(o) 202-608-8357,

1 comment:

  1. Veterans looking for a job once they complete military service may want to consider a career in the apartment industry. There is a podcast on that talks about "Hire a Hero" and how it is working with the apartment industry.


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