
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

CRUNCH TIME AMERICA: YOUR VETERANS NEED YOUR HELP: National Defense Authorization Act 2011

We need to contact all subcommittee members in House and Senate with requests to support CWSM's inclusion in NDAA. Faxes, phone calls, and e-mails. ALL are important.

The NDAA 2011 is still in the markup stage, that means items can still be added. We believe that May 25th will be the latest date to get items inserted. So action is needed

There are the two important bills in Congress: in the Senate S.2743 The Cold War Service
Medal Act 2009, and in the House an identical bill H.R. 4051 The Cold War Service Medal
Act 2009.

Cold War Veterans have been waiting for a medal since the end of the Cold War in 1991,
a very long wait. The battle has been heating up over the last ten years or so.

Please contact your Senators ask them to cosponsor S.2743, and ask to have a provision
written into the NDAA 2011. The very important Senators to contact are the members of the
Senate Armed Services Committee, a link to the full committee
When you click on the name you will go to their website, from there you can find a link
to send an email. Easy to do and it can be very simple "Dear Senator ......Please become
a cosponsor to S.2743 The Cold War Medal Act 2009, please have a provision inserted in the NDAA 2011"

Contact your Representative ask them to cosponsor H.R. 4051 The Cold War Medal Act 2009.
a link for the House Armed Services Committee

Many members of the House will only accept emails from their constituents so try each
one, when you get to their website many of them will ask for your zip code. If you can
not email that particular member go on to the next. Use the same basic message, just
change the wording a bit to show the House bill.

We need support and help from everyone, you do not have to be a veteran to ask your
elected officials to do this.

And ask them more than once, the more your officials hear from you the better the
chances will be to get the medal authorized.

It would also help to contact DoD asking that this year the medal be approved and issued. In the past DoD has objected on various points that are invalid, and of no
real substance.

This should be the year of the Cold War Veteran. Let us all join in and make it happen.

Jerald Terwilliger
National Chairman
American Cold War Veterans
"We Remember"

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