
Friday, September 24, 2010

IAVA Update

Dear Sean,

Together, we made it down to the ten-yard line.

Because of your support, over 10,000 Americans signed our letter to Senator Harry Reid, calling for a vote on critical upgrades to the New GI Bill. This change will expand educational benefits for thousands of new veterans who are currently shut out.

Yesterday, I visited Senator Reid's office on Capitol Hill to deliver your signatures. Click here to watch a quick video of what happened.

The clock is ticking, and now that you've done your part, it's time for Congress to make a play and punch it in.

Next week will be crucial. Stay tuned and we'll keep you updated on the score as we move closer to an historic touchdown.
Thank you for continuing to have our backs.

Tim Embree
Legislative Associate
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)


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