
Friday, October 29, 2010

New York City Councilman wants to give Cold War Veterans Tax Break

New York City Councilman wants to give Cold War Veterans Tax Break

New York city councilman Vincent J. Gentile is introducing a bill that would give about 24,000 Cold War Veterans the same exemption on property taxes that are given to veterans of other wars.

A fifteen percent exemption on property taxes would be available for all Cold War Veterans for 15 years and would be capped at $39.000. The period September 2, 1945 through December 26, 1991 is considered the Cold War Era by the legislation. A discharge or separation of honorable conditions

In 2009 New York State gave cities, towns, villages and counties the option to grant this exemption to Cold War Veterans. Councilman Gentile said "My legislation would have New York City opt into the
 state tax exemption to make sure all our veterans are given the respect and courtesy they deserve."

It is our hope that more states take the same course and provide recognition to all Cold War Veterans.
Small steps, taken a few at a time, but we would like to see it turn into a groundswell to finally say
"Thank You" to the Cold War Veterans.

Jerald Terwilliger
National Chairman
American Cold War Veterans
"We Remember"

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