
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Cold War Service Medal Letter From ACWV Chairman

ACWV Letter to Senator Collins on the removal of CWSM from NDAA
Rep. Chellie Pingree
Sen. Olympia Snowe
Sen. Susan Collins

January 1, 2011

I am contacting you today with a sadness in my heart.

Congress has once again turned its back on millions of American Veterans.
Most notably the Cold War Veterans, those who served with honor and distinction from Sept. 1945 to Dec. 1991.

While we were very pleased and hopeful to note that S.2743 and H.R. 4051
would have authorized a Cold War Service medal, both bills gathered dust
in their respective committee, and died with the end of the 111th Congress.

We were then very excited to see that the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act S.3454 included a provision SEC. 566, that would
have authorized the Cold War Service Medal.

Sadly at the last minute, the Senate voted to accept the House version of the NDAA without debate, and the Cold War Medal was not approved.

We are asking that in the new session of Congress that you consider introducing legislation that would authorize and direct DoD to issue a Cold War Service Medal.

Another thought is that while he was a senator President Obama at least
twice stated that he was in favor of a Cold War Victory Medal, and would sign the bill when it reached his desk.

I am asking if you would consider approaching President Obama to ask
him to use an Executive Order to establish a Cold War Service Medal.
There is precedent, as other presidents have created medals.

I thank you for your service to our country, and I look forward to hearing any thoughts or comments you might have on this issue

Warm regards,

National Chairman
American Cold War Veterans

South Portland , ME

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