
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Atomic Veterans Have New Voice on Advisory Board



WASHINGTON (April 28, 2011) - Dr. Charles H. Roadman II, a retired Air
Force lieutenant general and professor of military and emergency
medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences,
assumed duties as the chairman of the Veterans' Advisory Board on Dose
Reconstruction last month.



"General Roadman brings years of medical expertise and leadership
experience, a passion for helping his fellow Veterans and a profound
sense of urgency to reach all those who may have been exposed to
ionizing radiation during their military service," said Secretary of
Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. "We are committed to supporting his


Roadman, who previously served as the surgeon general of the Air Force,
succeeded retired Vice Adm. James A. Zimble, physician who served as
chairman of the advisory board.  Roadman sits on the board of directors
of Assisted Living Concepts, Inc., and Air Force Village.  He is a
member of various non-profit and for-profit scientific advisory boards.


As its second chairman, Roadman provides leadership to the board, a
federal advisory committee that works with VA and the Department of
Defense through the Defense Threat Reduction Agency on issues of
importance to the nation's atomic Veterans.


Atomic Veterans include service members who participated in the
1945-1946 occupation of Hiroshima or Nagasaki in Japan, and in
atmospheric nuclear testing sponsored by the United States between 1945
and 1962.  As part of its charter, the board conducts periodic, random
audits of dose reconstructions and decisions on claims for radiogenic
diseases and assists VA and DoD in communicating information on the
mission, procedures, and evidentiary requirements of the dose
reconstruction program to Veterans.


VA examines and treats atomic Veterans, or other Veterans exposed to
ionizing radiation in service.  It also evaluates disability claims and
pays compensation to Veterans whose health has been adversely affected
by exposure.


Roadman retired in 1999 as the Air Force Surgeon General. Since his
retirement, he served as president and CEO of the American Health Care
Association in Washington, D.C., from 1999-2004.

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