
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

DAV newsletter

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Dear Sean,

Summer heats up with compassion for disabled veterans as the DAV rallies support from volunteers, professional athletes, corporate donors and concerned patriots like you!

As you read the stories below, I hope you'll see the many ways that you help the DAV lead the fight for veterans' rights.

Carrying the Flame of Patriotism!
Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans

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Tornadoes, Floods Harm Disabled Veterans
Tornadoes, Floods Harm Disabled Veterans   In the wake of widespread tornadoes and floods, DAV staff and volunteers are still spread out across America, reaching out with vital aid to disabled veterans stricken by disaster. A year of severe weather is putting the DAV's Disaster Relief Fund to the test.
VA Finally Delivers Aid to Heroes & Families
VA Finally Delivers Aid to Heroes & Families   After leading the charge for a new law to aid the families of profoundly disabled veterans, the DAV criticized long VA delays in providing this urgently needed aid. Finally, the VA is accepting applications from full-time caregivers who meet the criteria and are eligible for vital training, financial assistance and health care.

Helping Disabled Service Members Make a Smooth Transition
Helping Disabled Service Members Make a Smooth Transition   Across the country, DAV transition officers are helping disabled service members understand the benefits and services they earned before they leave the armed forces. Explains DAV Commander Wally Tyson: "We want to get to these veterans before they're released so we can help get them on a path toward reinstituting a life for themselves."

Ford Motor Company Continues DAV Support
DAV Car   Ford Motor Company and DAV held a special ceremony at DAV's National Service and Legislative Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where Ford made another generous donation to purchase additional vehicles for the DAV Transportation Program. Read the full article

Lt. Dan Band Movie: For the Common Good
Gary Sinise   Check out longtime Disabled American Veterans friend and supporter, Gary Sinise's documentary — Lt. Dan Band Movie: For the Common Good. This inspirational film will premier online July 4th! Watch the trailer and register today!

Inspiring a PGA Pro to Give His All for Disabled Vets
Inspiring a PGA Pro to Give His All for Disabled Vets   Keep an eye on PGA Pro Jeff Klauk because every time Jeff finishes in the top 10, Golden Corral donates $5,000 to DAV! Plus, Kids Eat Free on the Monday after a top 10 finish! The DAV thanks Golden Corral for its devotion to building better lives for disabled veterans.

Keep Patriotism Shining Bright … All Summer Long!
Keep Patriotism Shining Bright … All Summer Long!   As we enjoy our many freedoms this summer, it's a great time to thank our heroes for protecting the land that we love. And with July 4th right around the corner, you'll keep the spirit of patriotism alive as you give $25 … $50 … even $100 to DAV now!

DAV Newsbriefs
Tornadoes, Floods Harm Disabled Veterans
VA Finally Delivers Aid to Heroes & Families

Helping Disabled Service Members Make a Smooth Transition
Ford Motor Company Continues DAV Support

Lt. Dan Band Movie: For the Common Good
Inspiring a PGA Pro to Give His All for Disabled Vets

Soar to Great Heights for Disabled Heroes!
Soar to Great Heights for Disabled Heroes!

A behind-the-scenes look at this B-52 shows how this World War II bomber helps the DAV lead the way in outreach to disabled vets.

Fuel the drive to give disabled vets the assistance they earned as you give $25, $50, even $100 now!

Support DAV today!











Since its founding more than 90 years ago, Disabled American Veterans has been dedicated to a single purpose: Building Better Lives for America's Disabled Veterans and Their Families.

P.O. Box 14301 | Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301

Please thank a disabled veteran for their sacrifice and service!
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