
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Help a Disabled Vet In This Time of Crisis!

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Help a Disabled Vet In This Time of Crisis!
In this severe crisis, reach out to those who sacrificed all but life itself for you and me.
Dear Sean,

As Independence Day draws closer, I worry about disabled veterans who lost their grip on personal independence in the wake of widespread tornadoes and flooding this spring.

As one weather crisis followed another, the DAV fanned out to disaster sites across the nation to assist disabled veterans.

DAV is still responding to these crises as hard-hit Joplin is home to the third largest population of veterans in Missouri. And so many veterans live in the southern communities that took the brunt of terrible flooding.

These natural disasters just keep coming, Sean! As urgent need among disabled veterans and their families keeps growing, your help is critical right now!

Just imagine the struggles our nation's most seriously wounded heroes face!

As we continue to respond to these dreadful calamities, we must also rebuild the funds required to help disabled veterans in future disasters. That's why we absolutely must act now!

Please respond to sick and injured heroes who are stricken by catastrophes.

Send disaster relief to disabled veterans with your gift of $25 … $50 … $100 … or more!

Rebuilding the Independence of Heroes!
Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans

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