
Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Senate National Defense Authorization Act 2012, S.1253 SEC. 581 that authorizes a Cold War Service Medal.

National Defense Authorization Act 2012-Cold War Medal

The Senate National Defense Authorization Act 2012, S.1253 contains a provision
SEC. 581 that authorizes a Cold War Service Medal.

We wish to thank the members of the Senate Armed Services Committee for including this very
important provision. It means so very much to our nation's "Cold Warriors"

Everyone please contact both of your Senators ask them to ensure that SEC. 581 remains intact
in the NDAA 2012. Also ask them to cosponsor the stand-alone bill S.402 Cold War Service Medal
Act 2011, the more support we can get on S.402 the greater chance of SEC. 581 not being
removed. Senators will accept emails from everyone on their individual websites, a list of all
Senators with links to their websites
In addition you can call, fax or visit their offices

It is very important to contact members of the Senate Armed Services Committee asking them to
keep SEC. 581 in the NDAA 2012. You can find the members here

Also ask your Congressman/woman to cosponsor the bill H.R. 1968 Cold War Service Medal Act 2011
and also ask that SEC.581 of the Senate NDAA 2012 NOT be removed during House/Senate
Committee conference meetings.

A link to the House Armed Services Committee

Only a few of the House members will accept email from people living outside of their district, but
you can call, fax or visit them to ask for support.

This year 2011 marks the 20th anniversary of the end of the Cold War, and this would be the
perfect time to finally recognize and honor our Cold War Veterans.

Jerald Terwilliger
National Chairman
American Cold War Veterans

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