
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

70th Anniversary Pearl Harbor-Ewa Field Attack , Kapolei, HI


We are now officially "on the board" with USMC Aviation for
12/8/2011   08:00  -  12/11/2011   17:00. That's four days we can use
to schedule aircraft static displays, movie etc.

By getting listed we can now also invite other Marine Corps and military
aircraft to participate and make our event even more attractive to the

Our theme concept is: 70-100 -  70th and 100th Anniversaries- We never
forget that the attack on Pearl Harbor-Ewa Field forever changed the future
of the United States and US Marine Corps aviation. The mighty MCAS Ewa
aviation hub and air base was the response to the Dec. 7 attack on Ewa
Field, resulting in 125 Marine Corps aces and 8 Medal of Honor winners,
including the great and famous VMF-214 Black Sheep, a "signature squadron"
of USMC Aviation history.

We will be inviting speakers- military, veterans, elected officials to
participate with Marine Corps honor guard, band, etc. The "Tora, Tora, Tora"
movie will be shown to the public and high school JROTC as a history lesson
for reflection and discussion. The fact that it was made "on location" will
make this even more locally significant and memorable. We will also have
some people there who remember the film being made and the great "Fox Air
Force" assembled at the time. We will never see another huge "authentic"
WW-II aircraft collection like this in one place ever again.

70th Anniversary Pearl Harbor-Ewa Field Attack , Kapolei, HI

12/8/2011   08:00  -  12/11/2011   17:00

Type of Event: Aviation
Type of Support: Static Display

Event Details:
VMA-214 Black Sheep were originally from MCAS Ewa, the major hub of Marine
Corps Aviation during WW-II. The base trained and supported all of the
Marine aviation assets in the Pacific island campaigns which saw 125 Marine
Corps aces and 8 medal of Honor winners. The streets of MCAS Ewa were all
named after these famous pilots.

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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