
Monday, October 03, 2011

Bravo IAVA for digging in to protect veteran's benefits


Dear Sean,

2.3 million veterans have paid their dues in Iraq and Afghanistan. And at IAVA, a top priority is protecting 100% of the benefits they've earned.

Right now, we're tracking on two urgent issues facing our community:

1) A threat to New GI Bill benefits
2) Potential cuts to hard-earned retirement and healthcare benefits.

In 2008, IAVA fought hard to pass the New GI Bill. And in 2010 we fought again to make it available to 400,000 more vets, National Guardsmen and their families. But now, some for-profit schools are exploiting loopholes in the federal law to make a buck. That's unacceptable. And IAVA is working aggressively with Holly Petraeus and congressional leaders to ensure no vet is cheated out of a well-deserved education.

But that's not all. Amid the raging deficit debate, we're digging in to prevent Washington from balancing the budget on the backs of veterans. President Obama's new deficit reduction plan includes increases to military families and retiree healthcare costs and opens the door to cut retirement benefits. IAVA strongly opposes these changes - and any deficit cuts coming at the expense of service members and veterans.

Click here to join hundreds of thousands of vets and supporters on Facebook and sound off on these critical issues.

After 10 years of war our country can't waver in support of our troops. As veterans, we entered into a contract with America when we put on the uniform. We've kept our side of it. Now it's time for the country to do the same.

Together, we'll make sure no veteran is left behind.


Paul Rieckhoff
Founder and Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)

PS - Next week IAVA is kicking off our first of five Smart Job Fairs in San Francisco. We're bringing together Fortune 500 companies like Southwest Airlines, Bechtel and more that are dedicated to hiring new vets. Click here to support events like this by donating now - so we can keep these and all events for IAVA members completely free.

Bravo IAVA for digging in to protect veteran's benefits. All VSO's (VFW, ALG, VMW,  DAV and AmVets)  need to speak with one voice on any proposed cuts and I am confident we in the veteran community will.
Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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