
Friday, October 28, 2011

IAVA Join a Veterans Day parade near you


We're two weeks out. Are you in?

This Veterans Day (11.11.11), we're bringing Americans together on the ground at some of the largest parades and ceremonies in the country. And we're capitalizing on an historic moment to show the entire nation that veterans are a smart investment in America's future.

Sign up to join IAVA this Veterans Day and ask the country to invest in our New Greatest Generation.

For ten years, Iraq and Afghanistan vets have led our country overseas. But now more than ever, America needs to invest in our troops coming home.

New veterans have the skills and experience to lead in business, government and in our local communities -- and we need opportunities to prove it. That's why we're marching in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, New York City and San Francisco to lay the groundwork for veteran career fairs over the coming year.

Can you help us build momentum? Join a Veterans Day parade near you to cheer for our veterans with your friends and family.

It's an historic day for our community, and we hope you'll step out on 11.11.11 to celebrate our nation's newest veterans--and invest in their future so they can continue serving at home.



Paul Rieckhoff
Founder and Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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