
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

opposition to the "10 for 10" Plan.

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Join Thousands of Other Patriots in Saying NO! to "10 f

Dear Sean,

10 for 10Recently, we let you know that Congress is considering cuts to Department of Defense and VA benefits in an effort to tighten its belt.

We need your help as VFW works tirelessly on The Hill to ensure any "reforms" that see the light of day don't harm you or your fellow veterans.

  1. Sign our petition right away letting us know you stand united with us in opposition to the "10 for 10" Plan. Join with thousands of other VFW members and help us create a groundswell of pro-veteran support right now!
  2. Please forward this email to five people—your friends, family and especially fellow veterans.
  3. Reach out to your friends on Facebook and Twitter and ask them to help you spread the word.

We can't let our nation break its promise to the men and women who have dutifully and honorably served this country. VFW members must unite to fight this injustice!

We must protect the benefits that protect veterans, service members and their families!

Thank you for taking action today by signing VFW's petition against the "10 for 10" Plan.

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Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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