
Monday, October 17, 2011

Vets Reveal Creative Talents in Fayette, Ark.

Creative Festival Set for Oct. 17-23

WASHINGTON (October 17, 2011) - More than 100 talented Veterans from
across the Nation will attend the National Veterans Creative Arts
Festival in Fayetteville, Ark., Oct. 17 - 23, showcasing their winning
entries in art, music, dance, drama and creative writing.

"The National Veterans Creative Arts Festival is a showcase for the
talents that America's Veterans possess and their will to surmount
significant health challenges," said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric
K. Shinseki. "This annual festival highlights the wonderful work that is
accomplished throughout the year in VA's creative arts therapy programs
and local competitions across the Nation."

The Creative Arts Festival is the culmination of a year-long fine arts
competition involving more than 3,000 participants Nationwide. It is
presented each year by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the
American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) and Help Hospitalized Veterans (HHV).

The festival, one of VA's six national rehabilitation events, is open to
all Veterans receiving care at any VA medical facility. This year, the
festival is hosted by the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks in
Fayetteville, Ark.

"Our mission is to serve Veterans, active duty military and their
families. We are proud to be a sponsor of the National Veterans Creative
Arts Festival which is a program that makes a difference in the lives of
Veterans every day," said ALA's National President Kris Nelson. "I am
looking forward to spending the week with these true American heroes!"

"As a long-time national co-presenter of this annual event, we again
look forward to a program that inspires all who witness the shining
talents of America's Veterans, who remain motivated regardless of their
health challenges," said Mike Lynch, HHV's President and CEO.

The event concludes with a live art exhibition and gala stage show at
the Walton Arts Center, beginning at 12:30 p.m., on Oct. 23. Country
Music star Michael Peterson is attending the Creative Arts Festival this
year and will again serve as Master of Ceremonies for the stage show
production as well as the Opening Ceremonies.

For more information, log on to the festival's Web site:  For ticket information, please call
(479) 444-4064.

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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