
Sunday, January 15, 2012

IAVA Condemns Despicable Actions in Marine Video
Posted by Michelle McCarthy on January 12

Released Statement

On behalf of our national membership, IAVA released the following statement today expressing outrage over a video of U.S. service members desecrating the corpses of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan:

"Like people worldwide, our entire military and veterans community is outraged by the vile acts portrayed in this video. The behavior is deplorable and inexcusable. However, this was an act perpetuated by a small few. It in no way reflects the behavior of the almost 2.4 million Americans who have served honorably in Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11. IAVA supports a full investigation of this incident from officials at the Department of Defense and within the Marine Corps. We won't stand by while our service to our country and our allies is tarnished by the actions of a few," said IAVA Founder and Executive Director Paul Rieckhoff.

"Our troops and veterans are already facing enormous challenges and stereotypes both overseas and at home, and we encourage the public and media worldwide to refrain from rushing to stereotypes. For 10 years, our troops have served honorably in unimaginably tough conditions—and they continue to do so in Afghanistan and around the world. This incident does not reflect the service, leadership and honor of our new generation of veterans."

Sean P Eagan
Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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