
Friday, January 20, 2012

VFW Washington Weekly

VFW Joins VA to Help Vets Find Jobs
This week, the VFW participated in a veterans' career fair hosted by the Department of Veterans Affairs at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Thousands of veterans of all eras, services and ranks converged on the convention center to apply and interview for more than 6,500 jobs across private industry and government, as part of the White House's "Joining Forces" campaign. The VFW was on hand to help inform veterans about their VA benefits, and to help them navigate the complicated VA claims process. To learn more about the event that VFW advocates called "dynamic and instructive," click here

VFW Hosts Libyan Delegation
This week, the VFW Washington Office hosted a six-member delegation from the transitional government of Libya, who specifically sought out the advice of the VFW because of our advocacy work on behalf of veterans, service members and their families. They came to learn how the United States cares for her veterans, with hopes of replicating something similar to our Department of Veterans Affairs in their own country. VFW Executive Director Bob Wallace said he was encouraged by the steps Libya's interim government has taken to quickly address the needs of their war wounded. The delegation said their first action should be to care for those who fought and were wounded in the fight to liberate the country from Muammar Gaddafi. For more detail, visit our blog.

Reading of Names at The Wall
Veterans, military, their families and concerned citizens are encouraged to sign up early for the reading of names at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., which will occur over the four-day period prior to Veterans Day 2012, not Memorial Day, as was reported in last week's Washington Weekly. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is organizing volunteers to participate in the reading of all 58,272 names to commemorate The Wall's 30th anniversary. Due to the large number of expected participants and planning for other events, VVMF will only accept volunteers through its website. Groups can also be accommodated.

Vietnam Education Center Needs Photos
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is still seeking photos of all 58,272 men and women whose names are inscribed on The Wall in Washington, D.C. The collection will be used to highlight their service and sacrifice inside the new VFW-supported Vietnam Memorial Education Center, which is scheduled to break ground by Veterans Day 2012. More than 30,000 photos have already been submitted by families and fellow comrades-in-arms, but more are still needed. Please submit photos to Jan Scruggs, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, 2600 Virginia Ave., NW, Suite 104, Washington, DC 20037. Include the deceased's name and location, unit and approximate month/year the photo was taken. Digitized photos can be e-mailed directly to

Korean War MIA Identified
The Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office announced the identification of remains belonging to Army Sgt. Willie D. Hill, 20, of Catawba, N.C. In late Nov. 1950, the U.S. Army's IX Corps was advancing north to the Yalu River when Chinese forces attacked elements of three U.S. Infantry Divisions. On Nov. 26, Hill and members of G Company 24th Infantry Regiment, were encircled and suffered heavy losses. On Nov. 27, Hill was reported as missing in action near Anju, North Korea. Read more.

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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