
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

VFW’s 2012 Priority Goals

We're taking the fight for veterans' rights into 2012!

Dear Sean,

Last year, VFW helped win many victories for veterans, thanks to the vigilance of members like you!

But we're not giving up the fight in 2012 — NO WAY!

VFW's 2012 Priority Goals were recently released. We want you to be among the first to get informed and help hold our congressional leaders to the promises they made to you — and all veterans!

View VFW's Priority Goals

You can also get timely and urgent legislative updates from the VFW National Legislative Service in Washington, D.C. VFW's Washington Weekly, is a free enewsletter that keeps you in the know about critical veterans' and legislative issues as they're

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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