
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

DAV Commanders Club

Dear Sean,

The troops who are still fighting for you and for me in Afghanistan are currently facing frigid wind, snow and ice.

Winter of War in
Bitter Afghanistan

Afghan Winter
Bullets and roadside bombs are not the only things that endanger our troops in Afghanistan.

Make your Commanders Club gift now as they endure the extreme cold this winter.   
Their sacrifice is the reason I ask you to "support our troops" as a member of the DAV Commanders Club.

Listening to the news, you'd think our America had only one duty to veterans — cutting the cost of the care they get when they come home from war.

You can take a more responsible view, Sean. A Commanders Club membership shows that you are a leader, supporting America's leading veterans' organization.

I would like to recognize you as one of our top supporters and invite you to join the Commanders Club.

This membership will mark you as one who doesn't look away America's disabled veterans.

I will send you our 2012 Commanders Club Certificate of Appreciation — simply check the box requesting one when you make your gift.  

Without friends like you Sean, we wouldn't be able to reach out to the sick and wounded. You make this happen . . . that's a fact!

2012 CC Certificate    

Choose Your Commanders Club Level:
  • Diamond Leader Level: $75
  • Gold Leader Level: $50
  • Silver Leader Level: $25
  • Bronze Leader Level: $15
The need for your help is great. While the disabilities of older vets grow worse with age, a new generation needs more help — essential help — from the DAV now.

In a Time of Ongoing War,
Arthur H. Wilson,
Disabled American Veterans

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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