
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Paul Rieckhoff, IAVA :The Giants and Pats get a parade...shouldn’t Iraq Vets?


If yes, then you're not alone –
join thousands of Americans calling for a national celebration.

On January 28th, St. Louis became the first city in the nation to welcome home veterans of Iraq with a homecoming parade. It united a city and connected our veterans with thousands of people from all backgrounds who wanted to simply say "Thank You." The parade ended with a veterans' fair featuring employment, education, housing and other critical resources. It was an historic event. And it shouldn't be the last.

The Iraq war is now over, one million veterans served, 32,000 were wounded-in-action and over 4,400 gave their lives. Now is the time to remember those we've lost, respect those who've served and respond to the issues they're facing on the homefront.

Sign our petition calling on the President, New York Mayor Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Menino, and Mayors and government officials nationwide to organize a National Day of Action to celebrate our nation's newest heroes and connect them with the resources they have earned. Instead of scattered local efforts throughout the year, we should all work together to honor these men and women on a coordinated day of action.

Some disagree that now is the time to celebrate our returning veterans. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently said he doesn't "think a parade is appropriate now." If so, then he needs to tell us when. If a city can have a parade for its football team, it can have one for its Iraq Vets. And if our nation can afford two wars, it can afford two parades or more for vets of both wars.

Take a stand with IAVA this Super Bowl weekend. Add your name to our petition before the Super Bowl kickoff this Sunday at 6:30pm EST.

All Americans know that the fight is not yet over. Not in Afghanistan and not at home. But the end of the Iraq War has ignited grassroots support for veterans throughout the country. We need your help to work with your Mayors and local leaders now to channel all that momentum, and give our newest vets and their families the welcome home they deserve.

Thank you for standing with us.


Paul Rieckhoff
Founder and Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

PS – Did you know that America has hosted a ticker tape parade after every war in the last century? Click here to learn more. We've even had parades honoring baseball player Sammy Sosa and the President of Indonesia. If our nation can honor them, they can honor the veterans of our nation's longest wars. And when Afghanistan, we'll do it again.

Give Them a Parade Bloomberg!!!!!!!!
Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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