
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Soldier's death leaked through Facebook

Friday, February 24, 2012, 10:14 PM - News Stories
It's a tragic story being reported by WPSD Local 6.

Megan Born's husband Joshua Born was one of two American soldiers killed this week during a protest in Afghanistan.

Megan was not notified of his death by the military.  She found out through a text message after news had been leaked on Facebook.

"It's crazy how I found out," said Born.

Born can't stop thinking about the text message that changed her life.

"She got a text from an army wife on post who had heard," said Cindy Parker, Megan's mother.

She had heard the news Megan's Army husband Josh was dead.

He'd been shot to death in the chest near the military police post in Afghanistan where he worked.

"We didn't quite believe that anything happened to him. We thought it was just a mix-up," said Parker.

Parker said she and her daughter started making calls.

They'd just talked to Josh hours before. He'd told them the violence was getting worse.

"Somehow it had leaked out and somebody told her on Facebook," said Parker.

Parker said another Army wife posted information about Josh's death on Facebook. That's how the news spread.

You can read the full story here.

OK this is getting to be b.s. some heads need to roll. I am thinking starting with Sec. Panetta it is his responsibility ultimately and the gaffe's over there are seeming to be more and more frequent. I have some theories about this Koran burning incident I will save it for another post. Accountability where is it.

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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