
Saturday, March 03, 2012

Help DAV Respond to Storm-Struck Communities

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Dear Sean,

Reaching Out to Disabled Vets in this Emergency!
DAV reaches out
In this moment of crisis, reach out to our wounded heroes through the DAV! Make a gift to our Emergency Relief Fund today!

Donate Button Red

Right now — in response to the recent record-breaking severe tornadoes — the DAV is rushing to storm-struck communities to help our wounded heroes.

As disabled veterans just begin to cope with extreme destruction, DAV officers are arriving with immediate disaster relief.

Your help is crucial now as disabled veterans and their families face a moment of urgent need!

In this calamity – and to make sure the DAV has funds required to help disabled veterans in future disasters – we absolutely must act now!

Please respond to sick and injured heroes who are stricken by catastrophes!

Send disaster relief to disabled veterans with your gift of $25 . . . $50 . . . $100 or more!

Responding to Emergency!


Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans

Please think about helping DAV with disaster outreach to our wounded warriors thank you..
Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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