
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Military Wallet - Veterans Employment News & Job Tips Newsletter

The Military Wallet Newsletter

Veterans Employment Numbers Are Up ?

Is There a Government Program to Help You Find Employment?

CNN recently reported that the jobless rate for veterans has dropped over the last few months. According to CNN, "The jobless rate for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans has fallen to 7.6%, well below the overall U.S. unemployment rate of 8.3%, and nearly five percentage points below the 12.5% rate for veterans a year ago."  It is great to see these improvements in the employment rates, but we know there is a long way to go to help improve overall veterans employment rates. The government agrees, and recently created the Veterans Jobs Corps Initiative, which provides government funds to hire veterans in the public sector, and the VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011, which expands GI Bill benefits for veterans age 35-60. We have covered these programs in the past, but they are worth highlighting again, particularly as the economy continues to improve. Hopefully one of these programs will help you find work if you are job searching.

» Click to Learn About the Veterans Jobs Corps Initiative

» Click to Learn About the GI Bill for Unemployed Veterans

Your Military to Civilian Transition Starts with Your Resume ?

Writing the Ultimate Post-Military Resume

We've been working hard to create resources to help veterans improve their employability.  One of the most important parts of applying for a job is your resume, and we've put together some excellent resources to help you write the ultimate post-military resume. We have two resources at our sister site, Cash Money Life, which cover how to write both a traditional resume, and how to create a digital or video resume. Combined, these resources are over 6,000 words and show multiple tips and examples, and free places you can create an online resume to help you find a job. We also recently featured another article about creating a post-military resume on The Military Wallet. It gives examples of how to translate your military service into civilian terms, and other great tips that can help you land an interview and hopefully, a job.
Your Ticket to a College Education ?

Private Military Scholarships

One of the best ways to improve your employability is to get a degree or certification. College is very expensive, even if you are attending while using education benefits such as The Montgomery GI Bill, or the new Post-9/11 GI Bill. Thankfully there are some private military scholarships to help you pay your way through school.  In this article we cover some major private military scholarships and what you need to know to apply for them. 

» Click to Learn more about Private Military Scholarships
VA Loans ?

VA Loan Rates Near All-Time Lows

My wife and I recently refinanced our home with a VA Streamline Refinance - saving us almost $100 a month on our mortgage payment. As you know, the VA Loan is one of the most valuable benefits for military members and veterans. Now is a great time to take advantage of low interest rates if you are considering buying a home or refinancing your current VA Loan. Many lenders are offering rates at or below 4.0% interest.

» Check VA Loan Rates

Sean P Eagan

Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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