
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Veterans Job Initiative

Senator Schumer



December 13, 2012, 6:20 PM

Dear Mr. Eagan:

     Thank you for contacting me to express your support for robust legislation aimed at veterans jobs initiatives. As the son of a World War II veteran, I share your concern regarding the proper treatment of our service members once they return home from service. 

     As you may know, unemployment rates for younger veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been high for the past several years. Unemployment rates for returning veterans nationally have risen substantially higher than the general population. According to the most recent data from the New York State Department of Labor, there are nearly 17,000 unemployed veterans in Upstate New York alone.

     Our veterans have given their all for their nation, the very least we can do for our heroes is provide them with real job training and employment opportunities when they return home. That is why I am a proud supporter of several veteran assistance initiatives. I am calling on the President to prioritize the extension of the Returning Heroes and Wounded Warriors Tax Credits, which provides businesses tax breaks of up to $9,600 per veteran hired. I am also a co-sponsor of the Veteran Job Corps Act of 2012. Though it failed to muster enough votes for passage, I will continue to work with my fellow Senators to pass legislation to help our nation's heroes.

     Again, thank you for contacting me regarding this important issue. Please feel free to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance on this or any other matter.


Charles E. Schumer

United States Senator

Sean Eagan
American Cold War Veterans, Inc.



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