
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

VVA Message on Toxic Exposures HR 6416

President John Rowan


Early Saturday morning, the Miller-Blumenthal Veterans Health Care and Benefits Act, H.R. 6416, 
passed the Senate and is now on the way to the President's Desk for signature into law. Among the 
76 separate provisions of the bill are measures aimed at improving veterans' access to care, benefits, 
education, and homeless assistance. 
Also included in the legislation are the provisions of the Toxic Exposure Research Act
My heartfelt congratulations go to all of you who answered the call and took action, organizing over
250 Agent Orange town hall meetings throughout our nation; activating your communities; and working
with your representatives on Capitol Hill. Through your relentless perseverance, your voices have
been heard. 
This legislation, a necessary first step, will lay the groundwork for the research we need
on the health of our children and grandchildren, whom we believe have been impacted by 
exposures during our military service­and in keeping with our founding principle, this 
legislation will ensure that our newer veterans will not have to wait 50 years for answers.
This is a milestone. Stand by. Our work is not done. 

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