
Monday, September 25, 2006

I would like to post this in reaction to the recent church bombings after Pope Benedict made his academic speech in Germany referring to violent acts among the alleged Muslim faithful.

The vandalism toward Christian churches wasn't the first incident of this sort. In Turkey [where I was stationed in the Air Force [1968-1969] had several in the past toward Greek Orthodox churches. And I believe that even though the pope is Roman Catholic that there were incidents against the Greek Orthodox church after the recent rampage by Muslim extremists. I am nominally a Catholic, but have relatives who are Greek Orthodox. I am not speaking on their behalf but for my own.

Since I am a veteran who was stationed in Turkey during the Cold War, I feel that these people who call those in the West infidels are themselves INGRATES. They are ungrateful for the fact that US GIs served in Turkey when the Turks were justifiably worried about the Soviet Union. They are ungrateful in their harmful acts on Greek Orthodox churches, a religion well represented in the US--the same US that defended them. They are ungrateful and do this in spite of US help in Afghanistan's battle against Soviet Russia years ago helped free them from Communist rule in a religious nation. They pure and simply are INGRATES.

I think Muslims in general need to become aware of this, but for the most part have not condemned the acts. There was a group of US based Muslims who sent money for rebuilding efforts for the church. Good for them. Now we need the Turks to acknowledge that the US helped during the Cold War, and the veterans did also. I have not seen any Turkish acknowledgment of US aid to them after the end of the Cold War, and it is 15 years and counting. Madeleine Albright wants Turkey to be part of the European Union. I don't agree with her. She is another person who needs to be made aware of what the Cold War veterans did in service of their nation.


Corlu Guy I Agree whole heartedly. I too served in Turkey at Corlu havalani for 17 months 1990-91 US Army. Even then we were treated as if our presence was not appreciated but begrudgingly tolerated. We had numerous incidents with host nation civilian and military personnel including a riot at the front gate off E-5 where Turkish Army basically had us prisoner (nothing or no one in or out unless they had Americans in custody). There were countess bombings against American interest i.e. consulate, McDonald's,etc. American serviceman were killed and wounded in Istanbul, Izmir and Incirlik. We were under Threatcon Delta for 8 months. My battle buddie and I ran supply run every day in civvies. We recieved danger and hostile fire pay from Jan till I left. Does that sound like we were appreciated then. Nothing has changed? The Turks are suppose to be our biggest allies in Muslim world. They use us for money, Arms and for anything else to further their interests, but when we need a Northern front against Iraq its no or when our Armenian ambassador mentions the genocide in 1915 we sheepishly call him home and replace him to placate the Turks. We turn a blind eye on human rights and war against Kurds all to keep a foothold in region and to protect our bases there. The Turks had Ataturk a great man and if it wasn't for him setting up strong secular govt Turkey would be worse. The islamists are strong in Turkey but they are kept in check by secular institutions. We should not be surprised by rhetoric and terrorism from Turkey after Popes comments. Yes its disappointing but Islam trumps any nationalistic or strategic allegiance. We need to realize Islam must be contained and the West better wake up.

Sean P. Eagan
New York State Director
Cold War Veterans Association


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