
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Terry Everett R-Alabamma on CWVM

From Retiredbirdman


I have just received a letter from Congressman Terry Everett of Alabama. A True Republican who knows how to lay on the Bull S--T. I sent him a letter asking for his support and would he be a cosponsor to HR5122. I also used the outline on the cost of the medals , that was offered by Dr. Tims. This is what I received.

Dear Mr. Money:

            Thank you for contacting me about a Cold War Victory Medal.  I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.

            On May 11, the House passed the Fiscal Year 2007 National Defense Authorization Act (HR 5122), a bill which authorizes $512.9 billion for the Department of Defense (DOD) and the national security programs of the Department of Energy.  The legislation includes $50 billion in supplemental funding to support current operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Global War on Terrorism.  This additional money will fund force protection initiatives needed to support Operation enduring Freedom,Iraqi Freedom, including up-armored Humvees, Humvee improvised explosive devices (IED) and gunner protection kits, IED jammers and state of the art body armor.  The measure also provides a 2.7% across the board pay raise and blocks proposed TRICARE fee increases, as well as eliminates co pays for generic and formulary mail order prescriptions for military beneficiaries.  Finally, HR 5122 completes the transition to full TRICARE coverage for Selected Reserve personnel.

            Specific to your concerns, HR 5122 requires the Secretary of Defense to design a Cold War Victory Medal and issue it to those individuals who have preformed active duty or inactive duty for training as an enlisted member,officer, or warrant officer, during the Cold War and completed an initial term of enlistment or obligation.  A servicemember would also be eligible for this medal after completion of not less than 180 days of service on active duty.  HR 5122 now awaits a House/Senate conference to reconicle each chambers version of this measure.

           I hope you find this information of assistance.  Please continue to be in touch as futher matters of interest arise.  With best wishes, I am

                                                                            Sincerely yours,


                                                                            Terry EVERETT

This letter was written 18 sept 2006.

Retired USAF
Member VFW Post 3073
Life Member DAV Chapter 87
Brotherhood of Taiwan Veterans Assoc
Kdva Member at large

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