
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Letter and Response from Senator Clintons Office

Hi Jenny,
I am writing on behalf of the Cold War Veterans Association of N.Y. State. I would like to thank Senator Clinton for her support of a Cold War Victory Medal.
I just got of the phone with Congressman McHugh's office and basically given a heads up that Senate opposition to Sec 552 HR 2568 Cold War Victory Medal Act was strong. Senate Republicans are falling in line with DoD position. I just would like to know if Sen. Clinton maybe able garner any more support in the senate for the CWVM.

Sean P. Eagan

New York State Director
Cold War Veterans Association
716 708-6416

We are working with the Senate staff on this but am not sure how much more head way we will make. We will do our best.
Vr, Jenny

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