
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Support For The Award Of A Cold War Service Medal

Resolution USCOC-040001
Support For The Award Of A Cold War Service Medal
Submitted by: United States Corps of Chaplains, Board of Directors

WHEREAS, The United States Armed Forces engaged the forces of International Communism continuously from the end of World War II until the disintegration of the former Soviet Union; and

WHEREAS, The United States, during this extended period, relied on the manpower of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, active duty, National Guard, and Reserve, manned by citizens performing their obligated duty to serve and defend the United States; and

WHEREAS, The defeat of the former Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies constituted the greatest success of the American armed forces since the end of World War II; and

WHEREAS, No campaign medal exists to recognize the dedication and participation of these service members in hundreds of military exercises and operations that occurred between September 2, 1945, through December 26, 1991, to promote world peace and stability; and

WHEREAS, during this period, thousands of service members were killed, wounded, and became missing in Cold War operations which were separate from other recognized wars such as the Korean War and Vietnam War; and It is fitting and right that these service members who served overseas and in related stateside support operations receive proper recognition from their government in the form of the timely award of the Cold War Service Medal; and

WHEREAS, the United States Corps of Chaplains exists to serve and assist veterans of the United States Armed Forces in any and all ways possible;

Now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, By the Board of Directors of the United States Corps of Chaplains, that the United States Corps of Chaplains urge the Congress to authorize and provide funding for the award of a Cold War Service Medal to all armed forces members who served honorably during the period 2 September 1945 through 21 December 1991 to commemorate service and victory in the Cold War which eliminated the threat of a determined enemy to overpower the freely elected democracies of the world, by supporting and passing S. 1841, the Cold War Medal Act.

Click here for a Petition to
Authorize the Award of the
Cold War Service Medal>
Chaplain (GEN) Phillip D. Burnette
United States Corps of Chaplains
National Commander

Chaplain (GEN) Kenneth C. Allen, Sr.
United States Corps of Chaplains
Deputy National Commander

Chaplain (LTG) George D. Patrick
United States Corps of Chaplains

Chaplain (LTG) Robert W. Mims
United States Corps of Chaplains

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