
Monday, October 23, 2006

Bush Suspends Habeus Corpus

Military Commission Act 2006 Signed into Law

This administration continues to trample our rights as American citizens and as Kieth points out renders moot 9/10ths of the Bill of Rights in one stroke of his pen. The Rubber Stamp Republican Congress continues to push in my view this administrations criminal agenda. These rights that have been paid for in blood are being dismantled all in the guise of keeping us safer in "The War on Terror". November 7th is almost upon us wake up America lets install some checks and balances again we as a nation cannot afford 24 more months of this . Vote November 7th or you might loose that right next.

Sean Eagan
New York State Director
Cold War Veterans Association
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Keith explains how the death of habeus corpus is an attack on our fundamental freedoms. And he's funny while he does it. From the transcript: Countdown has obtained a partially redacted copy of a colonial "declaration" indicating that back then, "depriving us of Trial by Jury" was actually considered sufficient cause to start a War of Independence, based on the then-fashionable idea that "liberty" was an unalienable right.

Today, thanks to modern, post-9/11 thinking, those rights are now fully alienable.

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