
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Happy 231st Birthday US Army!

The United States Army was born out of the desire to defend liberty and proudly celebrates its 231st birthday on 14 June 2006.

Since 1775, millions have worn the uniform and lived the “Warrior Ethos.” Soldiers have always understood that the freedoms our nation guarantees are worth fighting for and America’s decision to put “boots on the ground” illustrates like no other action its continued commitment to these ideals.

From Kabul, Afghanistan, the Security Detachment Soldiers of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Afghanistan Engineer District (AED) wish all Soldiers and Civilians throughout the Army, Happy 231st Birthday. Through our construction and reconstruction programs, AED’s Boots on the Ground are making a difference in promoting stability and security in Afghanistan and the Central Asia Republics.

This year’s theme is “Call to Duty – Boots on the Ground.”

“To all of our Soldiers around the world, our thoughts are with you and your families on this 231st Army Birthday. We are humbled by your sacrifices and awed by your achievements,” said Secretary of the Army Dr. Francis J. Harvey.

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