
Thursday, June 14, 2007

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What: Wounded servicemen and women cycling in New York to spread their message of courage and hope. The brave men and women participating in this event are cycling in support of their injured comrades recovering in military hospitals across the country. All of the participants are provided the adaptive equipment they need to cycle with a missing limb or limbs.

When: Friday, June 15th between 10 AM - 11 AM.

Where: Riders will assemble and depart from the "10 House" Firehouse across from Ground Zero, 124 Liberty Street.

Who: Soldier Ride is a program of the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) that provides key rehabilitation opportunities for wounded warriors and raises public awareness and money for those that have been severely injured during the current war on terror.

The Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride's cycling programs give severely wounded servicemen and women the opportunity to reinvigorate their bodies and uplift their spirits. Soldier Ride provides each of the brave men and women who participate in our ride with the adaptive equipment they need to cycle, even if they are missing one or more limbs. Participation in our cycling and recreational events fosters the rehabilitation of the wounded by showing them that they can still lead active, independent lives and gives families the opportunity to reconnect outside of the hospital environment.

Wounded Warrior Project also offers services and programs like benefits counseling, advocacy initiatives and combat stress seminars to aid in the transition from hospital bed to an independent productive life. Many of the injuries suffered during this war are amputations, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and severe burns that will retire these brave warriors from military service.

For more information on the Wounded Warrior Project, please visit: http://www.woundedwarriorproject. org/

- Five (5) wounded soldiers from the Israeli Defense Forces are also participating.

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