
Friday, July 04, 2008

Cold War Documents 1961-91


President Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech, January 1961

Telegram From the Mission at Berlin to the Department of State, Berlin, January 9, 1961, 5 p.m

President John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961

Letter From Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy on the situation in Berlin, Washington, January 28, 1961

Memorandum from Lt. General John K. Gerhart, Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans & Programs, U.S. Air Force, to Air Force Chief of Staff Thomas White, "Long-Range Threat of Communist China," 8 February 1961

Memorandum from John M. Steeves, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, to Roger Hilsman, Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, "National Intelligence Estimate on Implications of Chinese Communist Nuclear Capability," 12 April 1961

US, Department of Defense, NATO-U.S. Targeting, 26 April 1961

Speech by Marshal Malinovskii Describing the Need for Warsaw Pact Offensive Operations, May 1961

Nathan Thrall and Jesse James Wilkins, "Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed," New York Times, May 22, 2008

President Kennedy's Berlin Speech, July 25, 1961

Khrushchev speech on the Berlin crisis, August 4, 1961

Carl Kaysen to General Maxwell Taylor, Military Representative to the President, "Strategic Air Planning and Berlin," 5 September 1961, Top Secret, excised copy, with cover memoranda to Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer

Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior Bulletin re: Anti-Bulgarian activity of Greece and Turkey, September 05 1961

Major William Y. Smith to General Maxwell Taylor, "Strategic Air Planning and Berlin," 7 September 1961, Top Secret, excised copy

Memorandum from General Maxwell Taylor to General Lemnitzer, 19 September 1961, enclosing memorandum on "Strategic Air Planning," Top Secret

Rough Notes from a Conversation (Gromyko, Khrushchev, and Gomulka) on the International Situation with Kennedy, Rusk, and Macmillan, n.d. [October 1961], October 01 1961


Note on the Discussion between Khrushchev and Ulbricht in Moscow, 26 February 1962 (Excerpts)

Note on the Discussion between Khrushchev and Ulbricht in Moscow on 27 February 1962 (Excerpts)

Information from a CC Bulgarian CP Secretariat Commision on the results of the investigation regarding the regime at the Lovech’ Labor Camp, April 05 1962

National Intelligence Estimate 13-2-62, "Chinese Communist Advanced Weapons Capabilities," 25 April 1962

US, Department of Defense, Remarks by Secretary McNamara NATO Ministerial Meeting, 5 May 1962

US Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, Commencement Address, University of Michigan ("No-Cities Speech), June 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and Kim Il Sung, August 14 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Song Ch’ol, August 26 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and acting Soviet Military Attaché Ustinov, September 01 1962

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador in North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and German Ambassador Schneidewind, September 20 1962

Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs George McGhee to Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Robert Manning, "Program to Influence World Opinion With Respect to a Chicom Nuclear Detonation," 24 September 1962; decision memorandum by Secretary of State Rusk attached, dated 20 September 1962

Report to CPSU Central Committee From Defense Minister Rodion Malinovskii and A. Epishev about the aggressive actions of the US toward Cuba, October 24 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and Kim Il Sung, November 01 1962

Notes of Conversation between A.I. Mikoyan and Fidel Castro in which Castro expresses his displeasure over the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba, November 03 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and Kim Il Sung, November 10 1962

Organizational Principles of the Czechoslovak Army, November 22, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Song Ch’ol, December 29 1962


Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Song Ch’ol, January 03 1963

Letter, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs W. Averell Harriman to President John F. Kennedy on Chinese nuclear capabilities, 23 January 1963, Secret, enclosed with letter from Harriman to Evelyn Lincoln, 23 January 1963

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and North Korean Foreign Ministry Official Pak Yong-guk, April 01 1963

From the Diary of Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky on North Korea's attitude toward the Sino-Soviet split, April 06 1963

General Curtis E. LeMay, Acting Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, to Secretary of Defense, "Study of Chinese Communist Vulnerability," 29 April 1963, with report on "Chinese Communist Vulnerability" attached, Top Secret

McGeorge Bundy, Memorandum of Conversation with Ambassador Dobrynin on US-Soviet cooperation vis-a-vis China, at lunch May 17, 1963

President Kennedy's Civil Rights Speech, June 11, 1963

Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Regarding the Establishment of a Direct Communications Link, June 20, 1963

US, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, "Summary and Appraisal of Latest Evidence on Chinese Communist Advanced Weapon Capabilities," 10 July 1963

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Special National Intelligence Estimate, "Communist China's Advanced Weapons Program," July 24, 1963.

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador in North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and the German Ambassador on the possibility of receiving nuclear assistance, August 26 1963

Memorandum to McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to the President, from William E. Colby, for Deputy Director of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency, "Visit of General Chiang Ching-kuo," 19 September 1963, enclosing, "Meeting Between Mr. McGeorge Bundy and General Chiang Ching-kuo, 10 September 1963", Secret

Robert H. Johnson, State Department Policy Planning Council, " A Chinese Communist Nuclear Detonation and Nuclear Capability: Major Conclusions and Key Issues," 15 October 1963, Secret

Memorandum from William Y. Smith to Maxwell Taylor on shifting from massive retaliation to flexible response, 7 November 1963

U.S. National Security Council, Net Evaluation Subcommittee, "The Management and Termination of War With the Soviet Union," 15 November 1963

Memorandum, General Maxwell D. Taylor, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, to General LeMay, General Wheeler, Admiral McDonald, General Shoup, "Chinese Nuclear Development," 18 November 1963, Top Secret

US, National Security Council, National Security Action Memoranda, NSAM 274: Cuba-Economic Denial Program, December 20, 1963


Report by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister on the Ministerial Meeting in Warsaw regarding the situation in the Middle East, 19-21 December 1967, January 04 1968

US, National Security Council, National Security Action Memoranda, NSAM 277: Review of our Procedures for Anticipating Foreign Crises, 20 January 1964

"Implications of a Chinese Communist Nuclear Capability", by Robert H. Johnson, State Department Policy Planning Staff, with forwarding memorandum to President Johnson by Policy Planning Council director Walt W. Rostow, 17 April 1964.

Memorandum from Secretary of State Rusk to President Johnson, "Items for Evening Reading," 1 May 1964, enclosing W.W. Rostow, Chairman, Policy Planning Council to the President, "The Implications of a Chinese Communist Nuclear Capability," 30 April 1964, Secret

Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society Speech, May 1964

"USAFE", 26 May 1964, on the problem of first-use of nuclear weapons, possibly prepared by Seymour Weiss, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State

Memorandum on the use of nuclear weapons in Europe for the Secretary from Deputy Under Secretary U. Alexis Johnson, "Meetings in Paris with Bohlen, Finletter, Lemnitzer, and McConnell," 27 May 1964, with cover memo and detailed report attached

Memorandum, Robert H. Johnson, Department of State Policy Planning Council, "The Chinese Communist Nuclear Capability and Some `Unorthodox' Approaches to the Problem of Nuclear Proliferation," 1 June 1964

Department of State Circular Airgram CA-43 to U.S. Embassy in Thailand et al., "Status of Program to Influence World Opinion with Respect to a Chinese Communist Nuclear Detonation," 20 July 1964, Confidential

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Special National Intelligence Estimate, "The Chances of an Imminent Communist Chinese Nuclear Explosion" 26 August 1964.

Ronald Reagan, "A Time for Choosing," Address on behalf of Senator Barry Goldwater, Rendezvous with Destiny, October 27, 1964

Memorandum, Robert H. Johnson, Policy Planning Council, to Henry Owen, "Thursday Planning Group Discussion of `Communist China and Nuclear Proliferation,'" 2 September 1964, Secret

Memorandum for the Record, McGeorge Bundy on Chinese nuclear capabilities, 15 September 1964

Department of State, Transcript of Daily Press Conference on Chinese nuclear test, Thursday, September 29, 1964

US, Department of Defense, Office of International Security Affairs, "China As a Nuclear Power (Some Thoughts Prior to the Chinese Test)", 7 October 1964

State Department Telegram No. 2025 to U.S. Embassy Paris on Chinese nuclear capabilities, 9 October 1964

Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, Diary Entry for 17 October 1964 on Chinese nuclear test

Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, Diary Entry for 20 and 21 October 1964 on Chinese nuclear test

U.S. Embassy, Taipei, cable number 347 to Department of State on briefing of Taiwanese officials, 24 October 1964, Secret, excised copy

Excerpts, “Stenographic Protocol of the II Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party,” on the reasons for Krushchev's removal, November 20 1964

"Destruction of Chinese Nuclear Weapons Capabilities", by G.W. Rathjens, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 14 December 1964.

Department of State Airgram enclosing "Secretary McNamara's Remarks to NATO Ministerial Meeting, December 15-17, 1964," 23 December 1964

Ambassador-at-Large Llewellyn Thompson to Seymour Weiss, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, "Implications of a Major Soviet Conventional Attack in Central Europe," 29 December 1964


"As Explosive as a Nuclear Weapon": The Gilpatric Report on Nuclear Proliferation, January 1965

Global, "Operation Powerpack," US Intervention in the Dominican Republic, April 1965

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to the PRC, S. V. Chervonenko and Chinese Prime Minister, Zhou Enlai (fragment) comparing the Algerian war for independence and the Vietnam War, April 20 1965

Memorandum, Rear Admiral Richard G. Colbert and W. E. Gathright, Policy Planning Council, to Walt W. Rostow, Director, Policy Planning Council, "The ChiCom `G' Class (Missile-Launching Submarine), 4 May 1965, enclosing U.S. Naval Intelligence Paper, "Chicom `G' Class," 11 April 1965, Top Secret


CC BCP Politburo Resolution on Bulgarian Intelligence actions against China and Albania, January 11 1966

Ronald Reagan, "The Creative Society," University of Southern California, April 19, 1966


KDS Chairman Angel Solakov’s Report at a CC Bulgarian CP Plenum on the changing strategy between East and West, March 23 1967

US Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, Speech on Mutual Deterrence, September 18, 1967

NATO, The Harmel Report, "The Future Tasks of the Alliance," Ministerial Communique, 13-14 December 1967


Report by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister on the Ministerial Meeting in Warsaw regarding the situation in the Middle East, 19-21 December 1967, January 04 1968

US, Department of Defense, NATO Strategy and Force Structure, January 16, 1968

Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (1968), Entered into force March 5, 1970

Informal remarks by Czechoslovak Chief of General Staff, Gen. Otakar Rytír, at a Confidential Meeting of General Staff Officials, Prague, 13 March 1968

Csaba Békés, "The International background of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and that of the Prague Spring in 1968: A comparative analysis," The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

The KGB's 1967 Annual Report, Committee of State Security [KGB] of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 6 May 1968

Report on Statements by Ukrainian Journalists in the Czechoslovakian SSR, May 30 1968

Memorandum of the Academic Staff of the Czechoslovak Military Academies on Czechoslovakia's Defense Doctrine, June 4, 1968

"The Warsaw Treaty and Czechoslovakia," July 1968, MNO-1968, sekr. min. 2/1-9, Military Historical Archives, Prague; translated by Vojtech Mastny

Brezhnev's conversation with Dubcek, August 13, 1968

Letter from five Communist Party officials to Soviet leader, Brezhnev, requesting Soviet intervention, August 1968

Speech by Leonid Brezhnev articulating the "Brezhnev Doctrine," November 13, 1968


US, Department of Defense, NATO Strategy and Force Structure, January 7, 1969

NSSM 2, Middle East Policy, January 21, 1969

NSSM 3, U.S. Military Posture And Balance of Power, January 21, 1969

Meeting Between Presidential Assistant Kissinger and Ambassador Dobrynin, February 21, 1969

Report by Ceausescu to the Romanian Politburo on the PCC Meeting in Budapest, March 18, 1969

Memorandum of Conversation between President Nixon, Kissinger and Ambassador Dobynin (in which Kissinger asks for a "reasonable
interval" between an agreement and the establishment of any government in South Vietnam), Washington, May 14, 1969

National Security Decision Memorandum 16, Criteria for Strategic Sufficiency, June 24, 1969

Memo from Kissinger to Nixon, Subject: Israeli Nuclear Program, July 19, 1969

Dobrynin and Kissinger records of meeting with Nixon, 20 October 1969

President Nixon's 'Silent Majority' speech, November 3, 1969

(Excerpt) Transcript of a meeting between the delegations of the PZPR and the SED in Moscow, 2 December 1969


Cable from CIA Deputy Director of Plans Thomas Karamessines to Henry Hecksher, the CIA station chief in Santiago, October 16, 1970

State Department Telegram, Subject: Situation Following Syrian Invasion, September 21, 1970

Kissinger and Dobrynin records of meetings on Soviet submarine base in Cienfuegos, Cuba, 25 September 1970

White House, SECRET/SENSITIVE Memorandum for the President, "Subject: NSC Meeting, November 6-Chile," November 5, 1970

Kissinger and Dobrynin records of meeting, 22 December 1970

Kissinger and Dobrynin records of telephone conversation on visit by Senator Muskie to Moscow, 24 December 1970


Kissinger and Dobrynin records of meeting in which Berlin, SALT, and Vietnam are discussed, 9 January 1971

Telegram from Dobrynin to Soviet Foreign Ministry on US decision-making, 14 February 1971

US, National Security Council, National Security Study Memorandum 124, "Next Steps Towards the People's Republic of China, "April 19, 1971.

Memorandum for the Chairman, NSC Senior Review Group, "NSSM 124: Next Steps Toward the People's Republic of China (PRC)" n.d.

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, Intelligence Report, "The Polish Question: East Germany," July 1971

Dobrynin cable on U.S.-China rapprochement and Kissinger and Dobrynin records of meeting, 19 July 1971

Agreement Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Measures to Improve the USA-USSR Direct Communications Link, September 30, 1971

Agreement on Measures to Reduce the Risk of Outbreak of Nuclear War Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics, September 30, 1971

State Department Telegram, Subject: Soviet Jewish Emigration to Israel, November 4, 1971

Kissinger and Vorontsov records of meeting in which the Indian-Pakistan war is discussed, 5 December 1971


Dobrynin record of meeting with Kissinger in which Kissinger informs Dobrynin about what the US Secretary of State Rogers does not know about US policy, 4 February 1972

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Special National Intelligence Estimate, "Security Conditions in China", February 10, 1972.

The White House, Memorandum of Conversation, [Participants include Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Richard Nixon, and Henry Kissinger], February 21, 1972.

Memorandum of Conversation, Henry Kissinger and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Monday, February 21, 1972 - 5:58 p.m.-6:55 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, Henry Kissinger and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Tuesday, February 22, 1972 - 2:10 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Wednesday, February 23, 1972 - 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Thursday, February 24, 1972 - 5:15 p.m.-8:05 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Friday, February 25, 1972 - 5:45 p.m.-6:45 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Saturday, February 26, 1972 - 9:20 p.m.-10:05 p.m.

Joint U.S.-China Communique at Shanghai, February 27, 1972

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Shanghai, Monday, February 28, 1972 - 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Dobrynin record of meeting with Kissinger in which the North Vietnamese offensive is discussed, 3 April 1972

Dobrynin record of meeting with Kissinger discussing the relationship between events in Vietnam and the upcoming summit, 5 May 1972

Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Prevention of Incidents On and Over the High Seas, May 25, 1972

Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missle Systems, May 26, 1972

Memo from Saunders to Kissinger, Subject: Message from Shah on Kurds, June 7, 1972


Message from Acting Director FBI to Situation Room White House, Subject: Middle East (Fedayeen) Black September Group, March 8, 1973

State Department Telegram, Subject: Discussion with King Faisal re Support for BSO-Fatah, March 14, 1973

State Department Telegram, Subject: Campaign against Terrorism: Saudi Role, March 27, 1973

President Nixon's Speech on Watergate, 30 April 1973

Memo for the President, Subject: Sale of F-4s to Saudi Arabia, May 18, 1973

Memo from Saunders to Kissinger, Subject: Countering Israeli Reaction to F-4 Sales to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, June 1, 1973

US, Department of Defense, Remarks by Secretary of Defense-Designate, James R. Schlesinger at NATO Defense Planning Committee Ministerial Meeting, Brussel, 7 June 1973

US, Briefing on NATO and Warsaw Pact Convention, August 1973

Department of State, SECRET/NODIS, "Secretary's Staff Meeting," on the coup in Chile, October 1, 1973

Department of State, SECRET/NODIS, "Secretary's Staff Meeting," on the coup in Chile, October 2, 1973

US, Congress, Senate, Staff Report of the Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities, 94th Congress 1st Session, Committee Print, "Covert Action in Chile, 1963-1973," December 18, 1975

US, Department of State, Hinchey Report, SUBJECT: CIA Activities in Chile, September 18, 2000

State Department Telegram, Subject: Saudi Warning to European Community, October 16, 1973


State Department Telegram, Subject: Letter from Egyptian President Sadat to King Faisal on oil boycott and possibility of Syrian-Israeli hostilities, January 2, 1974

DECREE of the Secretariat of the CC CPSU - An Appeal to the Leaders of the PDPA Groups “Parcham” and “Khalq” in Afghanistan, 08 January 1974

Peter Sargent and Jack Harris, "Chinese Assessment of the Superpower Relationship, 1972-1974," BDM Corporation, 30 June 1975

Discussion between Henry Kissinger and Leonid Brezhnev, 25 March 1974

Decree of the CPSU CC - Request of the leader of the group “Parcham” in Afghanistan, 23 May 1974

USSR, Top Secret Attachment, by KGB cipher Kabul, 2 June 1974

CC CPSU Information for the Leaders of the Progressive Afghan Political Organizations “Parcham” and “Khalq” Concerning the Results of the Visit of Mohammed Daud to the USSR, June 21 1974

Decree of the CPSU CC - Information for the Leaders of the Progressive Afghan Political Organizations “Parcham” and “Khalq” Concerning the Results of the Visit of Mohammed Daud to the USSR, 26 June 1974

Message reassuring the Chinese that President Ford would follow President Nixon's China policy, White House to U.S. Liaison Office, Peking, August 9, 1974

Department of State, SECRET, "The Secretary's 8:00 a.m. Regional Staff Meeting," on US support for Pinochet in Chile, December 3, 1974

Department of State, SECRET, "The Secretary's Principals and Regionals Staff Meeting," on US support for Pinochet in Chile, December 20, 1974


Letter from Agostinho Neto (Angola) to Cuban leadership, Dar es Salaam, January 26, 1975

US, Department of Defense, Rationalizing NATO's Defense Posture, March 1975

US, Command History Branch, Office of the Joint Secretary, Headquarters CINCPAC, Command History, "Appendix VI - The SS MAYAGUEZ Incident," (12 May 1975), FPO San Francisco

Conversation between Chinese leader Mao Zedong and Cambodian leader Pol Pot, June 21 1975

Department of State, Memorandum of Conversation, Secretary's Meeting with Chilean Foreign Minister Carvajal on human rights in Chile, September 29, 1975

Minutes of conversation between Deng Xiaoping and Le Duan on Chinese-Vietnamese relations, September 29 1975


Minutes of the meeting between Politburo of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party and Comrade Fidel Castro – First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and Prime Minister of the Revolutionary Government of Republic of Cuba discussing mutual foreign policy interests, Sofia, March 11 1976

Memorandum for the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, "U.S. Security Assistance to the Republic of China: NSSM 212," April 12,1976.

Secret Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo Resolution for Military Aid supply to Certain National-Liberation Movements and Communist Parties (Yemen, Laos, Mozambique, Angola, and Lebanon), Sofia, July 16 1976

Remarks of the Honorable Ronald Reagan at the 31st Republican National Convention, August 19, 1976

Bulgaria-Angola Bilateral Relations, October 01 1976

Minutes of Conversation between Todor Zhivkov and Muammar al-Qaddafi on military aid and nuclear assistance, December 25 1976


Manifesto of Charter 77, Letter from 230 Czech intellectuals, 1 January 1977

President Carter's letter to Brezhnev on US-USSR relations, January 26, 1977

Brezhnev's letter to Carter, February 4, 1977

US, Briefing material for President Carter (USE London urges he see MT because she may be PM very shortly), 21 March 1977

Castro's 1977 southern Africa tour: A report to Honecker, Excerpt from transcript of Castro-Honecker meeting, April 3, 1977

Marshal Ogarkov Analysis of the “Zapad” Exercise, May 30–June 9, 1977

Note from Margaret Thatcher to President Carter (praises his conviction), 15 September 1977


The Delivery of Special Equipment to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, CC CPSU Politburo meeting, April 21, 1978

Political Letter from USSR Ambassador to Afghanistan A. Puzanov to Soviet Foreign Ministry, "About the Domestic Political Situation in the DRA," (notes), May 31 1978

Soviet Statement at the Chiefs of General Staff Meeting in Sofia, June 12-14, 1978

Record of Conversation, Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki in Kabul, June 18, 1978

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan A.M. Puzanov and Taraki, July 18, 1978

Minutes from Conversation between Babrak Karmal and the Head of the Diplomatic Protocol Tucek regarding Karmal's request for political asylum in Czechoslovakia, September 12, 1978

Information from CC CPSU to GDR leader Erich Honecker regarding widespread repressions in Afghanistan, October 13, 1978

Soviet communication to the Hungarian leadership on the situation in Afghanistan, October 17, 1978

CC CPSU Concerning the appeal to the Czechoslovak Communist Party about K. Babrak's request for asylum, November 09 1978

Decree of the CC CPSU Secretariat Concerning an appeal to the Czechoslovak Communist Party about K. Babrak, November 15 1978


CPSU CC Politburo Decision on Draft Telegram to the Soviet Embassy in Afghanistan, 07 January 1979

Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin and Afghan Prime Minister Nur Mohammed Taraki, March 1979

Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Discussions on Afghanistan, March 17 1979

Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin and Afghan Prime Minister Nur Mohammed Taraki, March 17, 1979

Exerpt from Politburo meeting on the invasion of Afghanistan, March 18, 1979

CPSU CC Politburo Decisions on Afghanistan, March 18, 1979

The complete Kosygin-Taraki telephone conversation on the difficulties of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, March 18, 1979

Record of Conversation between L.I. Brezhnev and N.M. Taraki, 20 March 1979

Meeting of Kosygin, Gromyko, Ustinov, and Ponomarev with Taraki in Moscow, 20 March 1979

Record of Conversation between L.I. Brezhnev and N.M. Taraki, 20 March 1979

Meeting of Kosygin, Gromyko, Ustinov, and Ponomarev with Taraki in Moscow, 20 March 1979

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan A.M. Puzanov and Taraki, March 22, 1979

Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Session on Afghanistan, March 22, 1979

Soviet communication to the Hungarian leadership on the situation in Afghanistan, March 28, 1979

Memo on Protocol #149 of the Politburo on Soviet ties with Afghanistan, 12 April 1979

Report of the chief of the Soviet military advisory group in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. L.N. Gorelov, with H. Amin (excerpt), April 14, 1979

Protocol #150 of the CC CPSU Politburo Session on military deliveries to Afghanistan, 21 April 1979

USSR Embassy in Cuba, "Informational Letter on Contemporary Cuban-American Relations," April 26, 1979

US, NSC memo for Carter (congratulatory call to MT to end talk of rift), President Carter to Brzezinski, 4 May 1979

US, Brzezinski memo for President Carter (Thatcher no longer "the dogmatic lady" who visited in 1977), 12 May 1979

US, Vance-Brown memo to Carter (urging TNF modernization), 18 May 1979

US, Brzezinski memo for President Carter on Euromissile issues, 18 May 1979

CPSU CC Protocol #152/159 on military assistance to Afghanistan, 24 May 1979

US, President Carter letter to Helmut Schmidt (Cruise & Pershing Missiles), 1 June 1979

US President Carter letter to Margaret Thatcher (Trident missile), 8 June 1979

Record of Conversation Between Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki, June 09, 1979

Notes from a Conversation with the General Secretary of the Central Committee [CC] of the NDPA [National Democratic Party of Afghanistan], Chairman of the Revolutionary Council of the DRA [Democratic Republic of Afghanistan] - N. M. Taraki, June 13, 1979

Gromyko-Andropov-Ustinov-Ponomarev Report to CPSU CC on the Situation in Afghanistan, June 28, 1979

Gromyko-Andropov-Ustinov-Ponomarev Report to CPSU CC on the Situation in Afghanistan, June 28, 1979

Excerpt from Minutes Nº 156 of the CC CPSU Politburo meeting, June 29, 1979

Record of Conversation Between Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki, July 10, 1979

Boris Ponomarev, Reports from Kabul (excerpts), July 19, 1979

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan A.M. Puzanov and H. Amin, July 21, 1979

Conversation of the chief of the Soviet military advisory group in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Gorelov, with H. Amin, August 11, 1979

Report from Soviet Deputy Defense Minister Army Gen. Ivan Pavlovskii, during visit to Afghanistan, August 25, 1979

CPSU CC Politburo Decisions on Afghanistan (excerpts), September 13, 1979

Cable from Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko to Soviet Representatives in Kabul, September 15, 1979

CPSU CC Politburo Decision with report by Gromyko, Ustinov, and Tsvigun, September 15, 1979

Information from CC CPSU to GDR leader E. Honecker on the situation in Afghanistan, September 16, 1979

Excerpt from transcript, CPSU CC Politburo meeting, September 20, 1979

Meeting of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko and Afghan Foreign Minister Shah-Valih, New York, September 27, 1979

Information from the CC CPSU to GDR leader Honecker on the situation in Afghanistan, October 01, 1979

Transcript of Brezhnev Honecker summit in East Berlin (excerpt on Iran and Afghanistan), October 04, 1979

Information of KGB USSR to CC CPSU International Department about the relationship between Iran and Afghanistan, October 10, 1979

CIA assessment of US relations with Western Allies (US “losing its leadership position”), 22 October 1979

Gromyko-Andropov-Ustinov-Ponomarev note to the CC CPSU on the situation in Afghanistan, October 29, 1979

Record of Conversation Between Soviet Ambassador Puzanov and Amin, November 03, 1979

Soviet Defense Minister Ustinov, Report to CPSU CC on Mission to Afghanistan of Deputy Defense Minister Army-Gen. I. G. Pavlovskii, November 05 1979

Ronald Reagan, Official Announcement of his Intention to Run for President, New York Hilton, New York, NY, November 13, 1979

Personal memorandum Andropov to Brezhnev on the coup in Afghanistan, December 01, 1979

Extract from CPSU CC Politburo Decision to send a special Soviet division to Afghanistan, December 06, 1979

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan F.A. Tabeev and H. Amin, December 06, 1979

Summary of a meeting between CC CPSU officials demonstrating the disagreement over Soviet involvement in Afghanistan, December 10, 1979

CC CPSU Politburo Resolution # 176/125 on the situation in Afghanistan, 12 December 1979

NATO, Special meeting of Foreign and Defence Ministers in Brussels, Final Communique on Long Range Theatre Nuclear Forces, 12th December 1979

Sir Nicholas Henderson diary entry on Margaret Thatcher's first visit to Washington, 23 December 1979

Directive Nº 312/12/001 of 24 December 1979 signed by Ustinov and Ogarkov dispatching Soviet forces to Afghanistan, December 24, 1979

Memo to President from Zbigniew Brzezinski, Reflections on Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, December 26, 1979

Summary of a CC CPSU Meeting on the invasion of Afghanistan, December 26, 1979

Politburo Decree P177/151 on dispatching Soviet troops to Afghanistan, December 27, 1979

Cable, "Our Steps in Connection with the Development of the Situation Around Afghanistan," December 27, 1979

Circular Cable to Soviet Amassadors in non-fraternal countries with official Soviet position regarding developments of the Situation Around Afghanistan, December 27, 1979

Cable to the Soviet Representative at the UN Re: the Development of the Situation Around Afghanistan, December 27, 1979

Cable, "Our Steps in Connection with the Development of the Situation Around Afghanistan," December 27, 1979

Politburo Decree P177/151 on the dispatch of Soviet troops to Afghanistan, December 27, 1979

CPSU CC Memo with attachments, 27 December 1979, on Politburo Protocol #177, December 27, 1979

Hungarian Socalist Workers' Party Central Commitee on the situation in Afghanistan, December 28, 1979

US, President Carter phone call to Thatcher (Soviet invasion of Afghanistan), 28 December 1979

US, President Carter phone call to Giscard (Soviet invasion of Afghanistan), 28 December 1979

US, President Carter phone call to Schmidt (Soviet invasion of Afghanistan), 28 December 1979

US, Carter letter to Brezhnev (denouncing invasion of Afghanistan), 28 Decemebr 1979

Memo for the President from Zbigniew Brzezinski, Our response to Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, December 29, 1979

Brezhnev reply to Carter, 29 December 1979

CPSU CC Memo with Excerpt from Protocol #177/220 responding to President Carter's speech on Afghanistan, 29 December 1979

Report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union by Yuri Andropov and Andrei Gromyko, Report on Events in Afghanistan on 27-28 December 1979, December 31, 1979

"The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan," Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris, 15-21 January 1998

Co-Chairs: Doug MacEachin and Janne E. Nolan, "The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979: Failure of Intelligence or of the Policy Process?," Working Group Report, No. 111, Georgetown University, September 26, 2005


US, Carter note (British & European reaction to Afghanistan invasion “very weak”), 29 January 1980

US, NSC note on timing of Trident decision, 13 February 1980

US, Memo from Brzezinski to President Carter on US divisions over renewing dialogue with Soviet Union, 29 February 1980

US, State Department brief on Olympic boycott, 8 March 1980

US, Lloyd Cutler memo on state of boycott (may lose the British), 20 March 1980

US, NSC staffwork on nuclear cooperation with Britain & France, 29 May 1980

Carter-Schmidt memcon (bitter argument at Venice G7 on Theater nuclear weapons), 21 June 1980

US, President Carter letter to Schmidt & Giscard (selling Trident to UK), 11 July 1980

Ronald Reagan, "Time to Recapture our Destiny," Speech delivered at the Republican National Convention, Detroit, Michigan, July 17, 1980

CPSU CC Politburo Decision Setting Up Suslov Commission on events in Poland, August 25 1980

CPSU Politburo Special Dossier on the Polish Crisis of 1980, August 28 1980

CPSU Politburo Special Dossier on the Polish Crisis of 1980 and mobilization of Soviet troops, August 28 1980

CPSU CC Politburo Report "On Theses for the discussion with representatives of the Polish leadership" September 03 1980

US, NSC planning for Soviet intervention in Poland, 21 October 1980

US, NSC, Special Coordination Committee meeting on “Polish Contingencies," 23 October 1980

Session of the CPSU CC Politboro on "Materials for a Friendly Working Visit to the USSR by Polish Leaders," 29 October 1980

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo, "On the Results of a Visit to the USSR by the First Secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party, Cde. S. Kania, and the Chairman of the PPR Council of Ministers, Cde. J. Pinkowski," 31 October 1980

Letter from Leonid Brezhnev to Erich Honecker, November 04 1980

Record of a Meeting between CPCz CC General Secretary Gustáv Husák and HSWP CC First Secretary János Kádár in Bratislava, (excerpt from Kádár)
November 12 1980

Directive from the CPSU Secretariat, 14 November 1980, Reducing Tourist Exchanges with Poland, November 14 1980

Record of a Meeting between Gustáv Husák and János Kádár in Bratislava, 12 November 1980 (excerpt from Kádár), November 25 1980

Letter from Honecker to Brezhnev on the Polish crisis, November 26 1980

Report Warning of Soviet intervention, December 01 1980

Report of the Chief of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army, Colonel General Miroslav Blahník, to Minister of National Defense Army General Martin Dzúr
December 03 1980

Werner Krolikowski, "Comment on the Report of the PB to the 13th Plenum of the SED CC, which was prepared and submitted by Günther Mittag," handwritten, [excerpt], December 05 1980

Stenographic Minutes of the Meeting of Leading Representatives of the Warsaw Pact Countries in Moscow, December 05 1980

Report to the Politburo by the Department of International relations of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, December 08 1980

Transcript of the CPSU Politburo Session approving the Warsaw Pact decision, 11 December 1980

US, Brzezinski memo for Carter (Soviets ready to invade Poland), 12 December 1980

US, Brzezinski memo for Carter (Soviet invasion of Poland indefinitely postponed), 19 December 1980


Directive from the CPSU Secretariat, 14 January 1981, with Supporting Cables on visit by Walesa to Italy, January 14 1981

President Ronald Reagan, Inaugural Address, West Front of the U.S. Capitol, January 20, 1981

Transcript of the CPSU Politburo Session on the situation in Poland, 22 January 1981 (excerpt)

President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for the Freed American Hostages from Iran, January 27, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 12 March 1981 (excerpt)

Information regarding the meeting between Karel Hoffmann, President of the Central Unions' Council and Member of the CPCz CC Presidium, and Stanislaw Kania, PUWP CC First Secretary, Warsaw, (excerpt), March 17 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 26 March 1981 (excerpt)

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 02 April 1981 (excerpt)

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 09 April 1981 (excerpt)

Speech of CPSU General Secretary Leonid Iliyich Brezhnev before the CPCz CC Presidium in Prague, (excerpt), April 09 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 16 April 1981 (excerpt), April 16 1981

US, Report by the J-5 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on U.S.-China Security Relationship, 17 April 1981

CPSU CC Politburo Protocol (extract); CPSU CC Politburo Commission Report, "On the Development of the Situation in Poland and Certain Steps on Our Part," 16 April 1981; and CPSU CC-Approved Plan of "Measures to Assist the PZPR [Polish United Workers' Party] in the Organization and Ideological Strengthening of the Party" April 23 1981

Letter from Kuklinski to his CIA contact indicating that the situation in Poland is militarily hopeless, April 26 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburoon the situation in Poland, 30 April 1981 (excerpt)

Memorandum Regarding the Meeting Between Comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Erich Honecker, and Gustav Husak in the Kremlin, May 16 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 18 June 1981 (excerpt), June 18 1981

Report to the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party Politburo containing verbatim transcript of 21 July 1981 telephone conversation between Stanislaw Kania and Leonid Brezhnev, July 22 1981

Transcript of the Meeting Between Comrade L.I. Brezhnev and Comrade E. Honecker at the Crimea on 3 August 1981 (excerpt)

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 10 September 1981 (excerpt)

Transcript of Brezhnev's Phone Conversation with Kania, 15 September 1981

Report on the imposition of martial law in Poland, September 15 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburoon the situation in Poland, 17 September 1981 (excerpt)

Letter from the HSWP CC [signed by Janos Kadar] to the PUWP CC, attention Stanislaw Kania, September 17 1981

Information on the Position of the CPSU Regarding the Polish Situation, October 01 1981

Memorandum of Conversation between Bulgarian foreign Minister P. Mladenov and Polish ambassador Vl. Naperaj, October 06 1981

Record of a Meeting between Representatives of the CPCz CC and SED CC International Relations Department in East Germany (excerpt), October 08 1981

Brezhnev-Jaruzelski telephone conversation on the situation in Poland, October 19, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 29 October 1981 (excerpt)

Text of Oral Message from Brezhnev to Jaruzelski, November 21, 1981

Supplement No. 2 Planned Activity of the Interior Ministry, November 25 1981

The Anoshkin Notebook on the Polish Crisis, December 01 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 10 December 1981

CPSU CC Politburo transcript, December 10 1981

CPSU CC Politburo Protocol (extract), "On Information about the Polish question for the leaders of the fraternal countries" December 13 1981

Shorthand Record of the Meeting of the Executive Political Committee of the CC of the Romanian CP, December 13 1981

Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Bureau [Politburo] of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party, December 17 1981

"Report to the [HSWP CC] Politburo," from János Berecz, Gyorgy Aczel, Jeno Fock, December 30 1981


CPSU CC Politburo transcript on the situation in Poland, 14 January 1982 (excerpt)

KGB Annual Report for 1981 (Excerpts), April 13 1982

CPSU CC Report on Economic Aid to Poland (1980-81), September 23 1982


Speech by Andropov, 4 January 1983, VA-01/40473, Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg; translated by Svetlana Savranskaya

President Reagan, Address to the Nation on Defense and National Security, (The "Star Wars" Speech), March 23, 1983


US, National Security Decision Directive 140, "The President's Visit to the People's Republic of China," April 21, 1984.

US, Defense Intelligence Agency, Defensive Estimative Brief, "Nuclear Weapons Systems in China, "April 24, 1984.

President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at Memorial Day Ceremonies Honoring an Unknown Serviceman of the Vietnam Conflict, Arlington, Virginia, May 28, 1984

President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Normandy Invasion Ceremony, Omaha Beach Memorial at Omaha Beach, France, June 6, 1984

Agreement Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to Expand the USA-USSR Direct Communications Link, July 17, 1984


Correspondence between KDS and STASI re: "The Bulgarian Connection" in the Assassination Attempt against John Paul II, January 01 1985

President Ronald Reagan, Second Inaugural Address, Rotunda of the Capitol, Washington D.C., January 21, 1985

UN, Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, Adopted by General Assembly resolution 40/144 of 13 December 1985

East German Intelligence Assessment of NATO's Intelligence on the Warsaw Pact, December 16, 1985


President Ronald Reagan, Address to the nation on the Challenger disaster, Oval Office, January 28, 1986

Minutes of the Political Consultative Committee Party Secretaries' Meeting in Budapest, June 11, 1986

Excerpts of Gorbachev-Reagan Reykjavik Talks, 11 October 1986

UN, Declaration on the Right to Development, Adopted by General Assembly resolution 41/128 of 4 December 1986


Record of Conversation of Chief of General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces Marshal of the Soviet Union, S.F. Akhromeev, and H. Brown, C. Vance, H. Kissinger, and D. Jones, February 4, 1987

Alexander Yakovlev, Memorandum for Gorbachev, “Toward an Analysis of the Fact of the Visit of Prominent American Political Leaders to the USSR (Kissinger, Vance, Kirkpatrick, Brown, and others), February 25, 1987

USSR, Politburo, "On Soviet-American Relations and Negotiations on Nuclear and Space Armaments," February 26, 1987

Rejected Draft of Letter from President Reagan to General Secretary Gorbachev, April 9, 1987

Letter from President Reagan to General Secretary Gorbachev, April 10, 1987

Memorandum of Conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz, April 14, 1987

USSR, Politburo, About the Conversation with Shultz, April 16, 1987

Michael T. Kaufman, "Polish Chief Offers Plan for Arms Disengagement," New York Times, May 9, 1987

Plan of Conversation, Between M.S. Gorbachev and the President of the United States R. Reagan before the first trip to Washington. (A draft dictated by Gorbachev to his adviser Anatoly Chernyaev), May 1987

National Security Decision Directive Number 271: Instructions for the Eighth NST (Nuclear and Space Talks) Negotiating Round, May 7, 1987

President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate ("Tear Down this Wall"), West Berlin, Germany, June 12, 1987

National Security Decision Directive Number 278: Establishing a U.S. Negotiating Position on SRINF Missiles, June 13, 1987

USSR, Politburo, About negotiations with Americans on middle-range missiles, July 9, 1987 [Excerpt]

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "Nuclear and Space Talks"

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "Compliance Issues"

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "ABM Treaty Interpretation"

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers"

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "Nuclear Non-Proliferation"

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, "Current Soviet Strategy on Afghanistan," Washington, 2 September 1987

US, National Security Council, GRIP 27D, “Should the U.S. change its current stance on U.S. warheads on FRG Pershing IA missiles?” September 5, 1987

Meeting with the National Security Planning Group, Briefing Memorandum for President Reagan from National Security Adviser Frank Carlucci, September 8, 1987

Letter from General Secretary Gorbachev to President Reagan, September 10, 1987

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, "Moscow's Afghan Quagmire: No End in Sight After Eight Years," Washington, 20 September 1987

Memorandum of conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and U.S. Secretary of State G. Shultz. Excerpt. October 23, 1987

Gorbachev Letter to Reagan, October 28, 1987

Memorandum For The President from George P. Shultz [Secretary of State], Subject: Gorbachev’s Letter, October 30, 1987

Letter from the Director of the United States Information Agency Charles Z. Wick to the Secretary of State George P. Shultz and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Frank Carlucci, November 4, 1987

National Security Decision Directive Number 288: My Objectives at the Summit, President Ronald Reagan, November 10, 1987

Memorandum Subject: Gorbachev’s Gameplan: The Long View by Robert M. Gates, Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, November 24, 1987

Information Memorandum TO: The Secretary, From: INR- Morton I. Abramowitz, Subject: Gorbachev’s Private Summit Agenda, November 28, 1987

Memo: National Security Decision Directive (NSDD-290) on Arms Control Position for the US-USSR Summit, December 7, 1987

Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., December 8, 1987

Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m., December 8, 1987

Record of Conversation, Between S.F. Akhromeev and P. Nitze at the U.S. State Department, December 8, 1987 (16.00-17.30)

Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 10:35 a.m. – 10:45 a.m., December 9, 1987

Draft Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 10:55 a.m. – 12:35 p.m., December 9, 1987

Record of Conversations between Sergey Fyodorovich Akhromeev and Paul Nitze at the U.S. State Department. Excerpt. December 9, 1987

Record of Conversation Between S.F. Akhromeev and F. Carlucci at the Pentagon, December 9, 1987

Draft Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., December 10, 1987

Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev at a Working Luncheon, 12:40 p.m. – 2:10 p.m, December 10, 1987

Record of Conversation Between Chief of USSR General Staff Marshal Sergey Fyodorovich Akhromeev and William J. Crowe with members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon, December 10, 1987

Telegram: Secretary’s 12/11 North Atlantic Council Briefing on Washington Summit, December 12, 1987

Politburo Session on the INF Talks, December 17, 1987

National Security Decision Directive Number 292: Organizing for the INF Ratification Effort, December 29, 1987


Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Notifications of Launches of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles, May 31, 1988

Summary of Discussion among Defense Ministers at the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Warsaw, July 15, 1988

Cable, Department of State to U.S. Embassy Bonn, "Background on Chinese Missile Sales," September 29, 1988.

Excerpts of Address by Mikhail Gorbachev, 43rd U.N. General Assembly Session, December 7, 1988


President Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address to the Nation, Oval Office, January 11, 1989

Minutes of the meeting of the HSWP CC Political Committee on the Historical Subcommittee of the Central Committee’s description of the events of 1956 as a people’s uprising rather than a counterrevolution, January 31 1989

Czechoslovak Description of "Vltava-89" Exercise, May 23, 1989

KGB Chief Kryuchkov’s Report, Research into Soviet repression in the 1930’s through 1950’s reveals that Imre Nagy willingly worked for the NKVD as an informant, 16 June 1989

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, "Soviet Strategy on Afghanistan: Playing for Time," Washington, 15 October 1989

News Conference with President George Herbert Walker Bush on the collapse of the Berlin Wall, November 9, 1989

The Malta Summit, Excerpted transcripts of conversations between Bush and Gorbachev on December 2-3, 1989


US, Department of State Briefing Paper, "Chinese Prisons and Forced Labor," April 25, 1991

Boris Yeltsin's address to the Russian people after an attempted coup, August 19, 1991

Gorbachev's Address to the Russian people when he returns to Moscow, August 22, 1991

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