
Thursday, July 03, 2008

Update on the Battle to save Ewa Field

Hi Sean,

I spoke today for about an hour on the phone with Maj Gen
H.C. Stackpole, USMC (Ret) and he is ready to provide
assistance and leadership on the Save Ewa Field initiative.
General Stackpole lives here in Hawaii and is a highly
respected member of the Hawaii community.

He brings, needless to say, extensive experience and a
level of contacts that are extremely important in bringing
the Ewa Field story to the attention of the RIGHT PEOPLE.

Also, we are planning on having in the near future a special
gathering of former Marines and other interested veterans,
including invited news media, at a ceremony that will be
held at the site of where Marine riflemen fired Spingfield
1903 rifles at attacking Imperial Japanese Navy Zeros on
December 7, 1941.

The event will be held on this EXACT SPOT that will serve
to historically link and PROVE that US Marines, Ewa Field
and the events of December 7, 1941 DID HAPPEN, despite
what the NavFac Real Estate "fiction survey" says.

We fully intend to press our case in the media, to local
political representatives, and in Washington, D.C.

John Bond
Save Ewa Field

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