
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"Freedom has never been Free not now and not during the Cold War"

See more Forgotten Heroes of the Cold War

Did We Really Win the Cold War Without Firing a Shot?

Sunday August 17, 2008

John McCain said yesterday that Ronald Reagan had won the cold war "without firing a shot." Whatever happened to:

The Korean War
The Vietnam War
The Contras & Nicaragua
The Mayaguez
The Pueblo
(Did I forget any?)

I was under the impression that presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and Ford thought that the military interventions on their watch were part of fighting the cold war.

Cold War Casualties

* Using the strictest criteria 382 deaths caused by hostile acts occurred during the early period of the Cold War . We believe the number should be much higher, and include operational losses such as the crew of 99 lost on the submarine USS Scorpion, lost at sea in May 1968. At numerous times during the Cold War, large losses were taken in ambiguous circumstances, and were often shrouded in secrecy. Combat deaths were classified as "accidents" due to political or security reasons, and thus the public at large (and too often, the next-of-kin) were denied the truth. Source VFW St Pete Times

* DOD list 165 POW/MIA from Cold War Shoot Downs 125 still listed as missing. Source DOD
* The Cold War from September 1945 - December 26, 1991, was global in nature, and many facets and changing strategic considerations. During some parts of the period, actual shooting wars were involved, but always it was a political and military confrontation. Many of the losses in the Cold War were on missions that were under the veil of secrecy.

* Of 382 here are some major losses not included : Berlin Airlift 31 Americans killed in accidents, USS Thresher 125 lost, USS Scorpion 99 Crew Lost, USS Liberty 34 Killed and 173 wounded by Israeli Attack, Mayaguez Incident 18 KIA, 3 MIA and 41 wounded,

"Freedom has never been Free not now and not during the Cold War"

Sean Eagan
Chaiman American Cold War Veterans, Inc.

Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone: 716 720-4000
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

See more Forgotten Heroes of the Cold War

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